

"Am I okay?" Alicia said with a bit of worry.

She felt a bit sick and weak now but otherwise, she felt fine earlier. She just suddenly started vomiting and now she felt like crying her eyes out. Then the next minute, she felt angry for Alex leaving before feeling giddy at how wonderful he was.

She wasn't sure why she felt that way, but part of her felt like her current state was his fault.

Sharla assured her she was fine and brought Kaya over to the side to talk to her.

"She is pregnant," Sharla confirmed the girl's suspicions.

Kaya went through a myriad of emotions from happiness to jealousy to anger but settled on worry and confusion in the end.

"How is that possible though? We only stopped taking the poppers the day Alex left!" Kaya said but then realized she said something wrong as Sharla's eyes bulged out.

"You two did what?!" She almost screamed before going back to a whisper.

Alicia was confused about why they were keeping her out of the loop and tried to focus her ears on their conversation but couldn't get much.

"I-I'm sorry but it was just one night! Just to spice things up one last time." Kaya looked down cursing herself for agreeing to something like this.

Sharla furrowed her brows since things didn't add up.

"Don't lie to me, young lady. She's at least two months pregnant so that definitely wasn't your first time not taking it."

"I swear it was!" Kaya paled now that Sharla was angry with her, "We definitely only did it this one... time..."

Kaya began to pale as she realized something that seemed insignificant at the time but was now coming back to bite her.

"Wait she didn't!" Kaya paled and ran over to Alicia.

Sharla tried to get the girl to answer her but sighed in frustration as she was ignored. She went up to the two roommates and looked at Kaya as she held her roommate's hand tightly and shakily asked a serious question.

"Alicia, please tell me the truth. Was our last night with Alex really the first time you stopped taking the Pussy Poppers?"

Sharla was about to scold her for her language but looking at Alicia's blushing and guilty face, she felt her heart tighten.

"So... am I sick because of that?" Alicia tried to hide a small smile by putting her head down.

Sharla came over and held the sick girl's hand as well.

"Yes Alicia, you're pregnant. You were just experiencing some morning sickness so that's why it surprised us all."

"Alicia, when did you stop taking the poppers?" Kaya started tearing up a bit.

She wasn't sure if it was from happiness or sorrow but her heart rate increased either way.

"Around the time Alex came back from the Ether forest I think," She began making the two women in front of her pale harder, "I just forgot one day to use it, and ever since then, I stopped. Even when I knew that I should keep taking it, it felt like I would be fine. Even if I did end up getting pregnant, I still felt I would be fine."

Alicia began smiling and blushing as she spoke and even reached down to her stomach and rubbed it lovingly. Her heart felt so full and she felt like getting up and dancing around the room at how happy she felt.

The other two women weren't as well off, but seeing how happy she seemed to be, they could only smile in defeat themselves.

"Are you sure you want this sweetie? Having a child, especially one with such a strong man like Alex is not as fun as it seems. Trust me, I would know." Sharla said and pained a bit from remembering her pregnancy.

Kaya and Alicia both looked at her curiously so she sighed and began telling them about the horrors of her own pregnancy.

Those wonderful feelings Alicia was having right now, being able to carry the child of the man she loved, the middle-aged redhead had gone through the exact same thing. It wasn't until around the 3rd or 4th month when her stomach started to bulge, that her raging hormones came out.

She became moody and hungry at random hours of the day. Everything her husband did annoyed her but most nights she became incredibly horny and practically forced him to fuck her. She was all over the place up until the last few months when it became incredibly worse.

She was a 2nd Ring at the time while he was a 6th Ring. Their difference in power made it a miracle that she could get pregnant at all and that was for a good reason. When the fetus grew to start its own bodily functions on its own, her own body started to deteriorate for some reason.

It wasn't until after giving birth, which was also extremely painful, that she found out that the genes of Alan that was inside of her child began to attack her. Her husband's genes were superior to her own and were trying to override the fetus so that it had more of its DNA than hers inside of it.

This would have made Emma even more similar to Alan but she was lucky enough to have been in her residency as a doctor and was able to get help from her mentor. Her mentor at the time had given her medicine that helped to reduce the pain by weakening his 6th Ring DNA in the fetus.

This made her even weaker, to the point that she was bedridden for almost 3 months before she gave birth. Being in such a weak state, she was lucky to still survive but she had plenty of people to help her.

Alan was immediately cursed out by dozens of women after she gave birth for the two of them being so reckless. Alan took it with his head held high since what was most important to him, was that his wife, and now his new baby girl, Emma, were safe and sound.

Sharla finalized her story by stating Emma was stronger than most babies when they were first born, and although she was still a no-Ring, she didn't start at a total of 1 stat as a newborn as most normal people did. Instead, she had almost 15 stats across the board!

Alicia and Kaya let her finish her story before asking more questions. The three of them chatted about the next steps that should be taken in order to ensure she and the baby, were safe throughout the process.

"My one concern is how strange of an existence Alex is already." Sharla voiced her concerns with a frown which made Alicia and Kaya nod to her accurate words.

After spending so much time with their boyfriend, they realized just how goofy and strange he was. His thoughts weren't like a normal person's since he always asked questions about how certain things were made, asked if unknown super tiny things like "elements", and asked if subjects of study called "science" and "physics," existed.

Often times he would say things like "in this place," "in this part of the world," and sometimes an even stranger one, "on this planet." They knew he was keeping secrets from them but they both let it slide since the few times they asked, he brushed it off saying he would tell them eventually.

His origins were still very much a mystery but they both joked about how he was some young master from a far-off Empire or even an Elf or Demon in disguise that decided to live amongst humans. His abnormal stats strengthened their thoughts on those matters but Sharla shattered their fantasies in an instant.

"Alex is definitely still human, but he is just a very rare, possibly mythological existence." Sharla explained but it only confused the girls more.

Sharla sighed, "I think we should talk to Alan about this. He's going to find out either way about you carrying Alex's child so it's better to rip the band-aid off now so you Alicia, and you as well Kaya, are prepared for this.

The two roommates really didn't want to tell Alan about it, knowing he would throw a fit after Alex mentioned many times that Alan would kill him if he got either of them pregnant and that was why he always made sure the two of them had eaten one before they started their nightly routines.

How Alicia managed to lie about that and get away with it for so long, nobody knew except her.

"Do we really have to?" Alicia pleaded a bit scared.

Would her boss fire her? Or worse, try to remove her baby before it even formed completely? She wasn't sure and she hoped Sharla would still protect her when it came to his questioning.

"Yes, Sweetie we do," Sharla sighed apologetically, "Alan may not be the best at expressing emotions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand them. If you show him how much you really want to carry this child, I'm sure he'll understand.

"I'll do my best to keep him from throwing a fit right away so please don't worry, alright? Can you stand up?"

Sharla helped to reassure the two of them but mostly spoke to Alicia since she was the one that was actually pregnant. Kaya was still addressed since she would be the main pillar of support for the dainty woman on the bed since they were so close and were both dating the man who caused this mess.

Sharla would also help out as much as she could herself, and hopefully, she could knock some sense into her crazy husband as well. At least this way, she wouldn't be alone as she nurtured new life in her belly.

Sharla and Kaya helped Alicia stand up and got her something to eat and drink real quick before they made their way to the office. Sharla said she would go get her husband so the two roommates went and sat down on one of the couches together.

"Alicia, are you sure you aren't rushing this? You aren't even 20 yet, and now you want to be a mother to someone you met 6 months ago? Although I love Alex as well, even this is too soon for me and I'm not even the one knocked up." Kaya voiced her thoughts to her friend.

Alicia narrowed her eyes with a bit of frustration. Although her roommate's words made sense, she didn't like them and she communicated that.

"No I'm not, and you wanna know why?" Alicia began so Kaya prepared herself by sitting up straighter, "I'm ready because I know I will never find someone as amazing as Alex. He asked me before why I decided to date him even though he wasn't my type and I told him what I just told you.

"In case you haven't realized, he has a bright future. I'm not sure how far he will go, and how strong he will become, but I believe wholeheartedly that he will change this world for the better. He never lets his strength get to him and is always sweet and humble to those around him, even the people who still hate him here!

"I feel honored to be able to stand by the side of a man like him. Even if there comes a day when he tosses me aside, I know he will still care about me and I don't ever want to forget him. By having this child, I recognize him as a man worthy of me and I would love to give birth to someone who shares even an ounce of his blood.

"I will never be able to find a man as great as him, strength aside since I know you can agree with me on this: His dick is fantastic! I can't find the right words to describe how good he is in bed and I don't think I'll ever be satisfied by another man."

Kaya sucked in her breath after Alicia's speech. Kaya hung her head low, disappointed with herself at seeing things from such a shallow angle. What Alicia said was true: Alex was an existence that would shake this world to the core. She even believed that he could reach the level of higher races like Elves and Demons.

She even had a bit of hope for him to become a fabled 12 Ring...maybe...

Yet she just told Alicia that what she was doing was wrong. That she shouldn't have a baby so soon and let their feelings develop further. She still believed that it was still too soon for herself to commit to such a serious matter as motherhood, but Alicia seemed to have decided resolutely with only 6 months of time together.

Could she become like her friend and settle down with a man that was bound to travel the world for years on end? She wasn't sure. He would undoubtedly pick up other chicks along the way and meet enemies he shouldn't meet.

Would he even have time to come see them again? He promised to be back in a year but she didn't count on it. She had too many doubts and maybe it came from her previous experience with men who usually just hit and dipped.

Most young men didn't want to settle down so soon and all wanted to try their hand at making it big in the world. They all had huge ambitions and few would make it big, some would come home broken, or most would find themselves dead, while all the lovely ladies they thought about courting were already married with children of their own, or broken themselves with unwanted children from men who left their mark on them.

Kaya didn't want to end up like those women either. She wanted to someday settle down with the love of her life and have a big family of her own. But was that man Alex? Was he the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with?

She had no idea since their relationship was still in the honeymoon phase. They had only been going out for about two months and then he left. She didn't want to lose him either, but she needed more time to think, but mostly, more time to spend with Alex to know how she felt about him.

She wouldn't be able to work much more on her feelings until he came back so she could only debate on Alicia's words for the next year or so until he came back.

As she was in her own world and Alicia was talking to her about how she was fine with this, a knock came and an older man with brown hair and a matching beard walked in with Sharla behind him.

He raised an eyebrow to the two girls who he knew too well for his own good. Just when he was wondering why his wife told him to come to the office with her, his eyes widened as he looked at the dainty brunette on the couch.

She was smiling brightly, the same way she looked when she was with Alex, but her aura was different. Her normal gentle aura of a first Ring evolver was the same, however, in the center of that aura, near where her naval was, was another aura that was perfectly mixed with her own.

This was the aura of another person...

...one he knew all too well.

Daddy Freeloader~

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts