
[600] Hypocrite. Or perhaps something more

"He grows up to be a menace, you know? "

Her voice rang in his ears, and perhaps throughout the entire planet as well. It was chilliny, but contained warmth. It was as if, instead of being angry that Alan had failed... She was happy, exhilarated even.

She was not disappointed at him failing her quest, but overjoyed.

Alan, however did not catch on to her joy as of this moment, his mind was still preoccupied.

Lanesha took the baby from him, and cradled it. The child played with her fingers, as her voice dictated his cruel future.

"He becomes a fallen angel, a demon of infamous repute, one that brought an end to many, many planets. He rose to become one of the 72, those who govern the Abyss, and causes destruction throughout the universe."

Alan's eyes did not leave the baby, who continued to play with Lanesha's fingers.

... Something that cute, that loveable would turn into such a cruel monster?

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