
Act 1, Chapter 3

You named the room with the view to the driveway and the front of the house your bedroom.

It wasn't until you carried the second box of your clothes upstairs and made your way back to the car for the next one that you noticed the 'door' to the attic.

It had merged almost perfectly with the rest of the wood-panelled ceiling, with only the small black ring at the front indicating its existence.

But you decided to explore this part of the house at a later date, you wouldn't have anything to put in the attic at this point anyway.

The closet in your new room was set up quite quickly and the decorations you brought with you quickly found a place.

However, a few of your great-aunt's former pieces did not find a place in your home and now you had to realize that there was something you would rather put in the attic.

'Maybe another day' you said to yourself before you put the box with the unnecessary decorations in the study room.

A look in the fridge and the cupboards told you nothing, the cupboards as well as the fridge and the freezer were empty.

And not just an 'there isn't anything I want to eat' empty but an 'there's nothing inside' empty.

So if you didn't want to go to bed hungry and exhausted with no prospect of waking up powerful tomorrow, you would have to shop.

So you put on your jacket and shoes, grabbed your car keys and drove off.

It was starting to get dark when you drove off and when you came back from the supermarket with full bags it was completely dark.

You hadn't realized that you must have been in there so long that the sun had already disappeared.

The drive back home was uncomfortable, there wasn't a single light source on the gravel path except for the headlights of your car.

You didn't know the way very well yet, you haven't driven it often enough to feel comfortable driving it's path in the dark.

When you finally drove up the driveway, your gaze almost automatically jumped to your bedroom window, it was open.

You had to sigh.

You were sure you had closed the window, which meant the window was probably broken somehow and it would certainly be cold in the room by now.

You had to go twice to finally have all the bags in the house and it took an hour for all the groceries to find a place in the cupboards, fridge and freezer.

You had forgotten a few things and you would buy a few more just to be on the safe side, even if you were sure not to use all of them, but you would take care of that in the next few days.

Now you had everything you needed and could let the day end peacefully.

You put a frozen pizza in the oven and while it was baking you made your way upstairs, to your bedroom to be more precise.

When you opened the door there, a shiver ran down your back and arms, the cold that crept into your room in your absence almost mocked you as you entered.

You approached the window and closed it again before taking a few steps back and looking at it.

Your gaze reluctantly fell back into the forest that the window was only too happy to reveal and again a shiver ran down your spine.

But this time he was out of fear.

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