
chapter viii

the talk

Back at the house, Kari and Viktor are in the kitchen cooking, while the boys are watching the tape he made at NCW arena, " they called in wanting to know if we are coming, I don't want to get it with P about his kid's mouths, said. Viktor, " how about this, we stay home get what we need for a family of eight, go Christmas shopping, get a tree, decorations decorate the house and tree, get some Christmas movies to make Christmas smoothies, said. Kari, " I like that, about time we did our thing again, I love my parents, and yours but we need to just to ourselves like before, said. Viktor, " I agree, I love them, but we need to focus on the boys and get them ready, and family just gets in the way and becomes a headache, he pulls her to him, and they kissed each other. They walked into the room, " boys we decide not to go back to Detroit, or Maine, we love them, but taking care of this family, going on trips with this family, celebrating the holidays with this family where is all at, and all about, said. Kari, they smiled at each other, " so like thanksgiving, we going to spend time here, because we are the Nevadas and we do our own thing, how about we go Christmas shopping, then get a tree, get your shoes on, "yes, they all cheered out, they put their shoes on and they got in the cars and left the house, they were so happy that they aren't going to Detroit. as they pull into the store parking lot, they got out of the cars and walked inside the store, " we get the decorations and sides. Said, Viktor. " and we get the meat and dessert, meet up at the Christmas tree isle, said, Kari, the Nevadas is going to spend their first Christmas in Seattle at their castle, the hotline ring it is her mother. " (hi, mom, I knew that you were going to call. Try to understand, the boys do not want to come down, and Reno and I talk about it and decide to spend Christmas at home, just the eight of us,) said. Kari, they got everything and meet up at the Christmas tree isle, " what we going to give them as presents babe, what you like to have sons, said. Viktor, they told their parents what they want for Christmas. " (we got them gifts, why they don't want to come, I want to see the boys.) said, Savannah, " will baby they are wrestlers let's give them something usually for their future career, (ask your other grandchildren mom, we not going to force them to go if they do not want to, mail it to us or send it back with Parker,) they got in line, " will babe we need to go the stores to get that, he squeezed her butt, " Reno, after they pay for everything the left the store, " (what happen? can I talk to them?) asked, Savannah, she put the hotline phone on speaker, " (boys mom said that you don't want to come down for Christmas, is everything okay?) said, Savannah, " ( they question our parents in raising us, mom and dad our the best parents ever,) said, Vance. " (they jealous because we want to be like our father, and mother, we do not like them, grandma,) said, Vandor. " ( they are jealous because they don't have a future to look forward to, like we do, because of that they want to call mom and dad bad parents, so we do not want to have Christmas with them,) said. Volance, " ( we have no bad feelings towards uncle P, we love uncle P,) said. Vinatone, " (they we don't care for, they can keep it moving,) said. Volume, " (and get out of our faces, they wish they have parents like us,) said. Venton, she took it off the speaker, Vance, Vandor, and Volance got in their father's truck, and Vinatone, Volume, and Venton got in their mother's car, " (we love you all, but the Nevadas going to do their own thing this Christmas, sorry.) said, Viktor. " " (we will send you a video of our Christmas, we got a lot to do mom, happy holidays.) she hang up and they left the store, Henry walked into the kitchen. " Parker said they are on the way, and Kari and Viktor are not coming because the boys do not want to, Becky and Jimmy question them on raising them, said. Savannah, " those act more like Jasmine than anything, he didn't depend on them? asked. " no, and they not going to force them to come, she said they having Christmas there and they will send a video to us, you know what that means right? Parker pull up at the house after checking them into a hotel for the night, he knocked on the door. Henry opened, " nice going you three, we never going to see them grow up because you don't know to tell your son and daughter to shut their mouths, Kari and Viktor aren't going to come because of Becky and Jimmy, the boys don't want to because they are here, it was made clear to her and us that all six are going to become wrestlers like their father, she doesn't have a problem with it, either do we, I dare you to question their future! I rather have them in the ring than running the streets, never in your life question another adult long as you breath do I make myself clear! that how you put your foot down Parker try it sometimes, this friend crap no use when it comes to being a father, Henry told him. " this sucks you always told us that we are your only grandkids, that you don't have a daughter, " shut up now Jimmy, face you did this by questioning how they raising your cousins, you the reason they hate you don't want to be around, Parker told him, " you were are only grandkids now you not, we do have a daughter, at times Kari and Henry do not see eye to eye, we still love her as we love your father, I want to see Vance, Vandor, Volsnce, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton grow up like we saw you grow up. do you still want her to help you out Parker send you food to you? this rate she going to stop supporting you, and push you out for good, even moves out of Seattle away from you, Viktor will see that she is upset, and he do anything for her, including taking his family away from the one hurting them, we all can kiss Kari and the boys goodbye, this is the beginning when they do not make the drive down to Detroit for Christmas or any holiday, sooner she won't answer our calls, r call us, we miss out on everything all because you let them question their future, they walked out of the kitchen.

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