
chapter ix

the matches

The day was coming close for the paper view event, it every female wrestle and wrestler got to get their steaks at 300 percent, so everyone got a match today, " (how are you baby and the boys,) asked. Kari, " (good, how the set is going?) answered. Viktor, " ( we getting there, and we are pack,) the announcer got inside of the crowd just settle down. " [ good evening ladies and gentleman and boys and girls the first match is an female wrestling match, Jewel who is the wife of Daemon, they played their music, as he walks his wife out, the crowds went nuts for the couple, they are the number one couple love by all. they walked up the steps, and he hold the ropes down for her, she kissed him, as she enter the ring, meanwhile at the studio, in the office, they getting everything ready for next week. " (what about the Dj?) asked, Viktor. Kari signed *huhu* " (how much he wants babe? i know that sign anywhere,) asked. Viktor. " ($160 and advance,) said. Kari, " (advance what did you tell him? )-("i need to think about it, honestly that is a bit steep, with thirteen kids grown, car bills, and house, we can't come out even if we could, that is a bit much,) said. Kari, " ( yeah, me and the boys got this, so call him tell him no deal,) said, Viktor. at the stadium, the female wrestlers match is over, " ( the next match is a tag team title match, the challengers Bane and Swine, they played their music and they walked out the locker room, " you ready for this man? asked, Hunter, " let's do it, (you need anything from the store?) asked. Viktor, " ( no baby i probably got everything for tonight how is the boys? ) answered. Kari, " ( our tag team champion Reno and Hulk!) they played their music, he take his hotlink off and hand it to his oldest, Vance. " talk with your mother boys, they walked out of the lock room, " ( hi boys are you okay?) the match started, Viktor clothesline Bane, " ( will that options that you on pins or needles, i wish you were here mom,) said, Vinatone, " ( i am there in way, Vinatone hows the back?) asked, Kari, " (good you are a miracle work mom, we not getting a DJ?) asked, Volume, Bane body slam Viktor onto the mat, "( he asking to much, i think your father going to plan something with you boys,) she rubs her hair through her, she cut the music on and turn the hotlink earpiece on to speaker, " [welcome to the Nevada fitness studio, wher you get cardio and physical training to get in tone and guidance to stay on track, if you a sport player you are hurt you need help and rehap our trainers is skill in skill in doing that, we are family of fitness and sports trainer, our opening hours is

Monday- Friday 7:30 am- 10:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday we are closed and our holiday is

Monday- Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am- 6:00 pm, take it from their Vance,) he cut his hotlink on to speaker, " [our thanksgiving specials is a fit package of run on the track, weight lifting cardiologly with a 30 minutes cool down and a oil massage he roll up price is, take it Vik,] said. Vance, " [ is only $4.67 per package, long with our deluxe package that includes a total fit work out, take it Vandor, ] said. Viktoria, " the regular price is only $4.44 dollars we love you all in wish you all wonderful holidays, what are we doing for Thanksgiving? take it Vol.] asked, Vandor. Viktor tag in Hunter, he jump over the ropes in went on the attack, " [ and we are hosting a major fitness event in a few days we hope you all come out for it, can we invite grandma and grandpa down?] asked, Vollie. " [how did we went from announcements to Thanksgiving, guys thanksgiving is not until few weeks away, how about we ask mines to stay for the few weeks to have Thanksgiving with us, we going to do like we did last year for Thanksgiving stay home,] said Kari, " ( where are they at?) asked, Vivian, " ( they are around here somewhere go ask them girls.) Bane and Spike is knock out and Viktor and Hunter climb up and got their titles, they cheered for them, the next match is a female wrestler match, " great match dad, said. Vego, " thank on, let's go get you seven ready for your match, they head into their lockers, back at the studio a man spot Vicki, " oh baby were you been al of my life, as she head over to a customer, he walked up, " so what a guy have to do to get a date with you?" Mr. Right this way please, (mom we need to talk.)-("if it's a boys no i am not ready my girls to date,) said. Viktor, " will all the v come to my offices boys cut your hotlinks on please, ) said, Kari, she take him into the massage room , " i be back sir, they walked into the office and they cut on their hotlinks, " a guy just ask me out mom, please can i go. asked, Vicki, "(no, Madison) said,Viktor. " down dad, we knew one day that they where going to be taken interest in them, we just didn't know which seven, boys and girls we want you thirteen want you to find decent women that not Divas that is Harding and honest, said. Kari,"(like your mother,) said. Viktor, " yes like me and your sister, chili out for minute the seven of you, girls we also want you to find respecting Harding and honest man, like your father but not a wrestler, with being say if he was decent he wouldn't approach you he ask to speak with your parents, said. Kari, " ( and with being told you thirteen we want you to focus on you and your futures and wait awhile before dating, least for the right women and men to come that all we want and ask give us that,) said, Viktor. " what your father said, " mom we are not ready or even interest that, we just got out of Fitness academy we are here actually running and training, said. Vicktoria, " speak for yourself, i just got ask out, please, " how about give us a few days please, we take you all to get your drivers licenses and car shopping, " ready how long do we have to wait!?" speak for yourself i take a car over dating any day Vicki, if was decent he wouldn't ask you out he would ask mom and dad can he take you out, when we going mom and dad? asked, Vollie, " ( come on Vicki we not asking much few days is not going to hurt, plus having your vehicles to get to the stadium and studio you getting your independents and wheel what greater then that some disrespectful snotty nose punk, girls and boys there is two types of people,)-('Reno.)said, Kari. " ( i got this ones like me and your brothers respectful, hard working honest that will ask your parents can we court hear me i didn't say date Victoria, Vollie, Vicki, Vonnie, Vivian, Vanessa, and Vixen daddy say Court meaning your court we got to know him, he got to know the family, he ask us own his own Vicki o court you, bot you ask him to come to ask us, and there the cocky smooth talking lazy punks never work a day in his life, that see money not love those who cheat and hit a women i do not want my sons or daughters to b with that type, yes we knew that this day will come, those types will come, i begging please give us a few months to be there for, you thirteen got it made, promising careers, nice house, a mother not only cook clean and wash your clothes, but what about the special breakfast, and dinners, we prepared the next day ready to cook, we do that out of love for you. we love you guys and always will, Vic you don't love us back to give us these?) -(" baby,) " i love you mom and dad, i do anything for you, just to be clear we are going to get our driving license right? they laughed, " yes tomorrow morning soon as you all pass we take you to get you a car, put you on our car insurance, and paid for it, said. Kari, " (all you thirteen have to do is keep it in running condition,) said. Viktor, " boy and girls come in go, family is forever, said. Kari,

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