
Old Master Qin talk to Sky

Old Master Qin was playing a Chinese board game with Sky. After Sky watched the older gentlemen play the last time, he had grasped how the board game was played. 

"You're already good at this, little man," Old Master nodded his head after seeing where Sky placed his stone.

"Thank you," Sky simply replied in a lukewarm tone.

Old Master Qin furrowed his brow. Sky's eyes were looking void more than usual. Although the boy usually wore the same aloof expression as his mommy, his eyes usually had its own glint.

"Is there something bothering you, little man?" Old Master Qin asked. 

Sky just glanced at Old Master Qin and turned back to look at the board game. 

"Nothing," he said. 

"Are you sure? I don't think it's nothing," Old Master Qin said.

"Yes," Sky was adamant about his initial answer. 

Old Master Qin didn't probe it anymore and continued playing the game. 

After a while, Phoenix came in to call them for lunch. 

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