
Back Home. Stefan In Trouble. Caroline In Charge.

Caroline Forbes entered the Salvatore House,

"Stefan!" She shouted.

Stefan Salvatore was sitting in the living room, he smiled as she came inside. She squealed.

She hugged him.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much!" She sighed softly.

"We missed you too." He told her, "Especially when Bonnie has that wedding planner out," He squinted, "She says, you made it in the sixth grade!"

Caroline squealed, Stefan covered his ears.

"Oh My God...Where is she!?" She asked. "I have to see her, and Elena...and Enzo." She told Stefan, "And maybe Damon!"

Stefan laughed softly.

"Damon is with Elena, Bonnie and Enzo are in Bonnie's house." He told her.

"How's the mommy to be?" She remembered Katherine. "Katherine…"

She asked.

"Want to see for yourself?" He asked. "Bed rest...Doctor's orders!"

Caroline couldn't imagine Katherine on bed rest. She followed Stefan upstairs, and he opened the door,

"Look, Katherine." He said, "Who's here?"

"The delivery man!" Katherine sat up, "Oh…..It's you."

She laid back.

"Katherine Pierce!" Caroline stepped inside, and laughed. "I cannot believe…..."

Katherine picked up a pillow, and threw it at Caroline, she vamped out of the way.

"Okay...I need to sit down!" Caroline couldn't stop laughing.

Stefan took her hand, as she stumbled.


"Okay…." Caroline took deep breaths to stop laughing. "When is my nephew coming?"

She asked.

"The doctors say two weeks."

"So, good that I am here!" Caroline told him. "Where is the nursery?"

She asked. "Let me see what alterations I will make to the decorations." She took out a paper pad from her pocket.

"We didn't….."

"You didn't make a nursery?!" Caroline almost shouted, interrupting him. "Are you crazy?"

"Relax, Caroline!" Stefan told her, "We can compel someone to do it."

"No…!" Caroline told him. "No...We have to do this. By ourselves! Don't be so heartless, Stefan, it's your kid."

Stefan smiled. Her enthusiasm was infectious. He realized how much he wanted Caroline in his life. How much he needed Caroline in his life.

"I'll be back!" She told him, "Bonnie and Elena would kill me if I don't go to see them."

Stefan smiled.

Now that she was here, he knew she would be forcing him to go shopping, clearing out a room, and painting the nursery.

And that is exactly what they did. She even got Damon to set toys in the room.

Caroline Forbes had come down to Mystic Falls to have fun, she was going to help plan the wedding. But soon, she had another project on her hands.

She was having a slumber party with Bonnie, and Elena at her house. And they were all sleeping. The TV was still on, and Caroline woke with a start as she recognized her ringtone.

"Turn that off…" Elena groaned as she turned in her sleep.

Caroline took her phone, and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Hello." She said groggily.

"Caroline!! Help me…" Katherine's piercy voice came up.

"Where?" Caroline had learned that in these situations she didn't need a background, the questions of how and what happened went in the back.

"The Town Square."

Caroline just needed to hear that,

"What happened?" Bonnie looked at her, as she put on shoes.

"Explain later, gotta go!"

"Do you know where she is going?" Bonnie shook Elena.

"It's probably Klaus." Elena threw her face in the pillow and rolled over.

But Bonnie wasn't so sure, Caroline just went out in her pajamas, Caroline wouldn't be seen dead in a public area with a decent outfit.

Something had to be wrong. She couldn't go back to sleep now.

Caroline used her vampire speed, and rushed outside. She heard grunting noises, someone was in distress. She listened carefully. It was Stefan, it was as if he was fighting someone.

She rushed towards the town square, she saw Katherine letting Stefan have a drink from her wrist.

"NO!" Caroline shouted.

A vampire was standing in front of Stefan, Caroline picked up a stick, and zoomed towards them. She pinned the man to a tree and jammed the stick in his heart. He was much more powerful than her, but she knew how to use the element of surprise to her advantage. Spending time with Klaus was teaching her better tactics.

Stefan growled softly.

"No!" Caroline pulled Katherine's arm away from Stefan. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

She bit her own arm, and shoved it at Katherine. She healed immediately.

"Stefan hasn't had human blood in ages."

Stefan was standing up, he felt stronger. His eyes turned weird.

"And what are you doing feeding him your blood!" Caroline snapped at Katherine, "You are pregnant! And with the cure out of you, haven't you got like nine days left!?"

Stefan advanced towards Katherine.


"Not her!" Caroline yelled at him. She slapped him as hard as she could. He vamped towards Katherine.

Caroline stood in between them, she zoomed towards him, pinned him to a wall.

"Let me go, Caroline." He tried to push her away. She shook her head angrily. He growled at her.

"I am not scared of you, Stefan."

She bit her arm again, and let Stefan drink from her. Caroline felt the ripper was unleashing from the chains Stefan Salvatore had tried so hard to keep them locked.

Stefan gagged. He held his throat.

"That's right!" Caroline smiled, as he fell to the floor, "Vervain."

"You take vervain?" Katherine asked her.

"Anything for self defense, Katherine." She turned towards her,

"Learned that one from you." She clicked.

Stefan woke up, he groaned softly. It had been almost two weeks since he was locked up. Caroline kept him under heavy doses of vervain.

She had lessened the vervain when Katherine went into labor.

Stefan was chained up, she slapped him sharply on the head, he looked up.

"I hate you." He growled at her.

"I know...And I don't care!" She laughed at him. "Now...Your baby is coming home...Turn it on."

"No, let me out." He shouted at Caroline.

"The only way you are getting out is when you turn it on!" Caroline shouted back.

He growled.

"You don't scare me, Stefan!"

Caroline took out her ringing phone,

"Oh, hello.." She smiled, "Isn't this a pleasant surprise!"

"When are you coming back, love?" It was Klaus Mikaelson.

"Soon.." Caroline sat down on the ground. "As soon as I am done with this jerk."

"Let me out of here!" Stefan shouted. "I am going to….."

"Shut up! Can't you see I am on the phone!?" Caroline shouted back. "Did you forget your manners with your humanity?"

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