
Chapter 4: Back And Forth

Hinata bounced about, staring at the scoreboard as it changed to [2-1]. The group got back into position and Hayato sat back. Getting down low, he covered the short end of the court along with Hinata, while everyone else got the rest. It was unorthodox to have most of the players back receiving, but that was all they could do against Kitagawa Daiichi.

"Remember to call the ball!" Hayato yelled as he watched Kageyama step behind the line. The black-haired kid bounced the ball to the floor, spinning it about. Thankfully, he wouldn't be jump-serving until high school.

At the level of power that a middle schooler possessed, any jump serve these kids had was nothing more than a glorified down ball, but there was a thing about jump serve that simply.... Unnerved people.

The whistle screeched across the court, and the ref, a stout man with a black toupee, signaled for the rally to begin.



Kageyama took two steps before jumping, the ball sliding forwards through the air with virtually no spin.

"In! It's yours!" Hinata turned towards Koji as the ball arrived before the soccer (football) player's face.

"Ack!" Panicking a little, the spiky-haired boy raised his hands, attempting to set it. Instead, the ball simply slipped through, spinning as it careened behind the boys.

The Yukigaoka players, frozen for a second, didn't move. And then, out of nowhere, loud screaming could be heard.

"I GOT IT! MINE! Get back into position!" Exploding back, Hayato dug the ball back onto the main part of the court, diving as he slid across the wooden flooring. Setter gets the second ball. Scrambling back to his feet, he rushed back towards the net. "Hinata! Roll it over!"

The orange-haired kid flinched for a second as he watched the ball spiral above him. Licking his lips, he shot forwards speedily, leaping as his palm made contact with the top of the ball.


It spun over into the middle of the court, Kitagawa's outside hitter kneeling down as he bumped it back up.

Kageyama, already in position, set the ball above him as the front row outside slammed it down between Mori and Izumi.

"Sorry… We couldn't react."

"No, it's my bad, I should have reacted."

The two of them sighed as the ball was rolled back over. Their early lead had been taken back so easily…..

Above, Tanaka sighed as he watched. "Bruh, there setter… No. 7. He's good."

The two older teens looked down thoughtfully. It was obvious that Hayato was a few leagues better than the rest of the players…. On the court. He showed an experience far beyond his years.


Another ball went over as Yukigaoka struggled to react. Within less than twenty seconds, the other side smashed the ball down. And another. This time, a service ace bounced off Mori's shoulder.


Kitagawa Daiichi had gained some momentum, it seemed.


The green-garbed boys desperately held on as Hayato sighed, the serve heading his way. If he moved out of the way, it was doubtful that his teammates would be able to dig the ball. So maybe…. He didn't have to get it over in three touches.

"Hinata-san! Act quick! " Screaming, Hayato's hands embraced the ball, flicking sideways. The ball traveled in a stunning crescent as Hinata leaped up into the air.


His hand reaching out, the orange-headed boy hit the ball over, straight to Tobio Kageyama. The King Of The Court scowled as he dug the ball, the rest of Kitagawa Daiichi getting back somewhat more excitedly than normal.

"Nice hit! Get back! I'm blocking!" A wide grin upon his face, Hayato burst before the net, sweat flying across his neck. In front of him, the middle blocker set the ball decently as the outside hitter approached.

A brown-haired kid, Kitagawa Daiichi's outside jumped into the air, his hip twisting as he aimed down the opposite side of the court, attempting to take a shot at Hinata. Wrist flicking, the ball he'd expected to travel down the court was slammed straight down on their side, as a wide hand arrived before him.

"Stuffed! Let's go!" Celebrating, Hayato smiled with the rest of his team. Hinata, as enthusiastic as ever, began to start speaking in sound effects.

"Hayato-san! That was so cool! He went up to hit, and you were like wam! And you went up like woosh! And another kabam!" The boy smiled happily, jumping about.

"Let's keep it up! You are all doing great!" Izumi smiled at the 1st-years, complimenting them.

"Koji. You got this." Hayato slapped his friend on the back as they rotated.

As he approached the net, suddenly, he heard a commotion on the other side.

"Why didn't you set the right side! Go faster! Act smarter!" Saliva spitting from his mouth, Kageyama glared at the middle-blocker murderously. Around, the rest of the teammates shifted awkwardly.

"Sorry, Kageyama-san…." The middle-blocker, an onion head of sorts scratched his head sheepishly.

Hayato stared silently. The difference between inked pages and reality… Now, he could truly see the King acting in all his "glory". While it was somewhat sad to see, he was here to win, so he might as well exploit it.



"I haven't gotten much to say. Kitagawa Daiichi is a good solid team. The only fault they have is their setter, Tobio Kageyama. While he's extremely talented…. He's also egocentric. Meaning, that he'll blame everyone else for mistakes and make unreasonable sets. This might sound rude, but please try to target him whenever you can." Hayato said calmly.

"Got it!"


"Fine by me."

-Flashback End-



Tossing it a little too far behind him, Koji grunted as he hit it with all his might, the ball flying over the net. It was actually a pretty good serve. Hayato dashed to the front row as his eyes watched the ball's every movement.

Dug as easily as ever, it once again headed Kageyama's way. The setter jumped up into the air, looking back as the ball bolted from his hands straight for the middle.

"Urk! Too fast!" The middle raised his fingers, managing to tip it over as he landed on the ground unevenly.

Hayato casually made his way down the net, bumping it back to Izumi. Normally, it would have been the libero's touch, but Suzuki was benched for now. He'd get him subbed in later for Mori.

Izumi raised his fingers, setting it in a decent arc in the middle of the court. "Hinata-san! Too short!"

And with that said, he was there in a flash. The orange-haired boy rose through the air in a magnificent bound as he hit the ball down the line.


Stuffed. The ball rebounded downwards as a three-man block rose like an iron wall. He was completely shut down.

Hayato clicked his tongue. Perhaps he could have just attempted to set it in one. He clapped Hinata on the back, who stifled a smile.

"Nice try!"

"Sorry, Hinata… Was it too low?"

"Don't worry about it."

The team consoled him as they returned to serve receive, the players all heading back.

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