
How heartless.

Bree stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a fluffy black robe that loosely hung on her shoulders, a peculiar scent filled her nostrils and she frowned. This scent … it wasn't here before she went to take a bath, where did it come from? Now that she was a shifter and that too a dragon shifter, her senses were heightened to another level. With just one sniff of her surroundings and she was able to tell that someone actually trespassed in her room.

Frowning, she looked around, using her dragon senses but she didn't find anything out of the place and there were no signs of anyone trying to harm her either but the fact alone that someone snuck in her room when she wasn't here was enough to make the hair on the back of her neck to stand up.

Bree opened her mouth to call her guards but before she could so much as make a noise, someone knocked on her door rhythmically. Her heart jumped as she turned to the magical clock that was hovering in the air just above the fireplace—— it was past ten who will come knocking on her door at this hour? Her experience told her to ignore the person who was knocking on her door but then just as she turned around to get herself a book the knocking on the door became incessant and instead of getting bored and catching the point that she wasn't interested in seeing whoever it was, the person simply continued to knock on her door.

Even though she had taken a book out of the huge shelf that was next to the French window, Bree could hardly focus on it. The incessant knocking was like someone was playing a rhythmic drum at the top of her head, in the end, even though Bree wanted to ignore the person outside, she still snapped her book shut and strode towards the door.

Whatever, no matter who it was, she wouldn't let them push her into a corner this time. She was no longer the Bree who worked in a finance department with only a baseball bat as her defence weapon, now she was the dragon Queen, with powers that no human will ever be able to comprehend, if someone tried to take advantage of her—— she will turn them into roasted chicken wing!

" What do you want?" she pulled the door open and outside of her room, was a man dressed in an impeccable white uniform. With the badges alone, she was able to identify the identity of this man—- - Aileen, the head of the white snakes, the heir of the Basilisk clan and the sole guardian of Yakov Sceptre. Her main consort.

"I am sorry for disturbing you at such an hour, your majesty." Aileen bowed perfectly with an air of nobility, even though he was apologising, Bree couldn't help but feel that even his apology was like a graceful dance. That perfect stance, the cool and controlled voice and the smooth movements, no wonder he was able to become the heir of such a big clan at such a young age.

Though she was appreciative of his good looks and the charm that he excluded, she was in no mood to be appreciative about how and why he disrupted her. " So, you do know that you disturbed me. With that incessant knocking of yours, I thought that you were trying to break my door if I didn't open it, Sir Aileen."

In front of sarcasm, Aileen didn't even flinch. He simply placed his hand on his waist and swiftly bowed in a slightly inclined bow. " Surely, you jest your majesty. How can I, your servant dare to do such a terrible thing?"

" But you can knock on my door so late?"

He opened his green eyes which were very much similar to her but unlike her golden eyes that were filled with warmth, Aileen's eyes slitted eyes were filled with a chill that resonated with hers. As the head of the Basilisk clan, he cannot open his eyes in front of anyone but the dragon Queen for she alone look in his eyes without dying —— that was the power of the Dragon Queen. " I apologise for the inconvenience but," pulling out a bouquet of what seemed like some sort of magical flowers, he added, " I didn't want to disrupt her majesty's rest but my master sent you a bouquet, with the message that he hopes you won't forget about him. And even though he isn't here by your side, you will always be in his thoughts."

Bree looked at the bouquet and then at Aileen. " You want to die after saying those cheesy lines, don't you sir Aileen?"

" Certainly, Your majesty."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed. Though her mother wasn't there for her after her car accident, she did teach her a few things in those few years when she was by her side and that was —— 'never take gifts from suspicious characters'. Yakov who wants to kill her surely came top in the list of suspicious characters. " Are you sure he sent it to me and not that beloved maid he is being so crazy about these days?"

Aileen silently looked at her, still holding the bouquet in his hands causing Bree to smile. " Ah, you sure are loyal, Sir Aileen."

" I thank your majesty for her compliment," said Aileen as his gaze swept at something behind her, Bree turned to look in the direction where he was looking and frowned. " What are you looking at?"

"Nothing," said Aileen as he raised the bouquet in his hands even further. " Your majesty please accept this bouquet."

" I am afraid I can't do that, I don't know what he might have mixed in it."

" If there was something in it, I wouldn't be holding it." since the Dragon Queen knew about everything, Aileen didn't hide anything either. " Please take this, your majesty. Or I have to stand in front of your door until you accept it, that's what my master orders me to do."

Bree rolled her eyes but she took the bouquet before slamming the door right at Aileen's face then without so much as giving it a glance she threw the bouquet in the dustbin that burnt those flowers into crisp within seconds.

Throughout the entire process, she didn't once look back. It was symbolic of just how little she thought about the gifts sent by her mates.


An hour later when Bree's breathing evened, a silvery cat jumped inside the room through the French window passing by it like it couldn't even feel the magical barrier before it transformed into a human. He glanced at the ashes of the burnt flowers and chuckled, " My, my how heartless."

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