
Chapter 132 Beast Art

The wolf slashed Ian on his chest but Ian didn't even flinch, as soon as the wolf landed Ian used his foot to kick the wolf away.

"You think a little pet can stop me, hahaha" Ian laughed.

In an instant Authur was in front of Ian, he slashed Ian's stomach but the blade didn't go through, it was blocked by an extremely powerful force.

Authur jumped back and looked at Ian, he was smiling brightly.

"Isn't Ki amazing" Ian said.

"Is that Ki?" Authur asked.

"Yes, a little too much but yes that's Ki, are you surprised"

"No I'm just curious, you are releasing quite a large amount of Ki, doesn't that strain your body?" Authur asked.

"Not in the slightest, maybe I should tell you a little about myself, I can't control my Ki," Ian said.

"What do you mean, then how do you use it?"

"Why do you think I'm this huge, it's because of all the training I passed through, I can't stop releasing Ki, so I train hard so it doesn't strain my body," Ian said.

"Where are you from?" Authur asked.

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