
A Golden Dome

Qin Yuan and the others entered the city.

Their entourage looked large, but they were actually very small compared to the rest of the larger sects.

Some sects brought tens of thousands of disciples and were led by Second Stage or Third Stage Saint Ancestors.

Compared to them, Qin Yuan's group was not conspicuous at all, only considered a small group.

"What is the name of this city?" Qin Yuan asked Chu Hanpeng.

The latter hadn't answered yet but Jiang Xin suddenly replied, "It's called Student City."

"Student City?" Qin Yuan felt that the city did not look like its name.

He saw more people trading and fighting than people studying.

"Lord, that name is from the distant past." Chu Hanpeng said, it seemed that he knew the history of this city.

Qin Yuan gave him a look to explain.

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