
Chapter 293 Finding a Blacksmith

"Where are we going?" Aldred asked, curios of what was going on.

"It's better if I show you first," Rurcam replied as he walked through the cramped, dark, underground hallway.

The guards noticed the Duke and straightened their shoulders before saluting.

"Open the door."

The guard grabbed his keys and inserted one of them into the keyhole. He twisted it to the left.


The soldier then pulled the steel door as it creaked.

They entered the steel door, but there was nothing except another dark tunnel. Torches dimly lit it which was weird because people mostly use mana gem which was a byproduct of a common mana crystal. It was a cheap product for lighting, and couldn't be used to increase power.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at a room with a steel cage filled with pirates.

"These are the pirates that my men captured after you defeated them. Sorry about the cramped tunnel, that is intentional so it's hard for the prisoners to escape."

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