
The Spectral Attack Begins 

Two nights later...

At midnight on this day, it was silent on most of the streets of Peters City while much of the local population was sleeping as usual.

In the city center, there were still a few people here and there, some chatting in bars, others working cleaning the streets, the parks or even doing surveillance work.

But these were few individuals, and for the most part, they didn't make any noise.

However, while they were working, many couldn't help but look up at the sky and feel goosebumps.

This night was particularly cold, even though this was not a time of year when it was cold locally.

One of the imperial family guards at this city's post was watching the street in front of this building and couldn't help but comment to his shiftmate.

"It's really freezing today, isn't it? I can't even remember the last time I felt so cold..."
