


Seeing the intense flame that the boy generated, the man in charge of evaluating him got shocked.

'Such intense heat.'

He thought to himself.

But the boy didn't stop there, Suddenly he took on a beautiful stance as scorching flame enveloped his body like an aura.

The boy's demeanor change as he looks at the Giant metal cube as if it was his prey.

Then the flames enveloping him changed shape, slowly the shaped of it change from the intense flame aura into the prey of land a tiger, it took on the appearance of a tiger.

The man was shocked once more seeing the flame tiger at the back of the boy, it was so majestic. He thought.

Yoriichi then dashed in the direction of the machine as a giant tiger followed his back.

[Breath Of Flames: Fifth Form, Flame Tiger.]



The giant tiger then collided with the machine resulting in the machine being destroyed and burned.


A deafening noise resounded upon impact.

The man stumbled to his feet as he felt weak at such majestic flame.

Only then did he get back his composure when the boy spoke once again.

"So is this enough?."

He said, breaking him out from his stupor.

"Y-yes young man."


After the evaluation Yoriichi was finally done, he was allowed to go back and the rest will be handled by the facility.

In the building after the evaluation, a certain man was stressed out and baffled by the ability of a certain someone he have just evaluated.

'That kid, I have seen many types of powerful and peculiar Quirks but something about his is unique.'

'I don't know if it is his way of handling his ability or the destructiveness but something is off, like when he manifested that flame tiger it looked at me as if I was his prey, it was like that it has sentience.'

He thought.

He then looked at a paper and wrote something down.

"Yoriichi Tsugikuni.

Emitter Type, Offense Category.

Quirk Prowess(Currently): B+

Quirk Potential: Undecided."

"Sigh, It seems that the new generation is coming."

---1 month later.---

A month passes since his evaluation and ever since then, life was going pretty smooth. But unfortunately, his training wasn't going as smoothly.

He has just hit bottlenecks and for the past month, his training hasn't given him any result.

And for the entire month, Yoriichi instead of being stressed out, just decided to stick to his current training and in the meantime think of a solution for this problem.

And after some careful thinking, he has found an answer.






It was Allmight's weekly visit to Yoriichi, currently, he was in his skinny form on his way to Yoriichi's house.

Though Allmight knew that Yoriichi know that he was injured he still avoided showing his skinny form to him.

Arriving near the house of the boy, Allmight changed his form, his body then bulks up as his iconic smile emerged from his face.

Knocking on the door.




After just three knocks the door opens, revealing a young man in red haori with slightly spiky red-ish hair, with an unusual birthmark on his forehead. That young man was Yoriichi.

"How have you been Young Yoriichi.?"

"Fine as ever Toshinori-san"

The latter said sporting a gentle smile.







After some catching up the young man suddenly asked a request that the latter didn't expect.

"Toshinori-san, Let's have spar."

Allmight was caught off guard by the young man's request, but instead of jumping in right away he first asked the reason why.

"Why Young Yoriichi?."

"To be honest, My progress have reached a bottleneck."

"During these month, my growth have stagnated. And I think it is because of my lack of engaging in combat."

"Back in the mountain I used to brawl with the animals in the forest so I wasn't lacking any opponents by here in this city have no opponents or sparring partner whatsoever. so recently my progress have stagnated."

Hearing the boy's answer Allmight put on a thoughtful look as he think about this.

Second later he finally spoke.

"I see, so you want to spar with me to help you train huh."

"HAHAHA No worries young man, I accept your request."

Allmight probably accepted this request because he knew that what this would do is help the next generation stronger, preparing them for a new era.

So knowing this he happily accepted.

"Thank you Toshinori-san."
