
Chapter 1155: System Based Improvements (2)


Switching to the 1k chapters now, so when the new batch of locked chapters come up for November, don't purchase them and save your coins.


[See? Isn't it amazing to see what I can provide to you should you take a moment to utilize the services I am obligated to give you? Who would have thought that utilizing the System Shop would give such great benefits that would make your life easier? Such a novel idea, that...]

'Oh hush you... no need to get so sassy with me; just be grateful that I'm deciding to make use of this now, alright?'

[Hmm... no, I won't be quiet. You should have been making use of this many months - if not years - ago, and yet you haven't! Better late than never I suppose, but that only means you have a lot of rushing to do to catch yourself up to where you should be!]

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