
Chapter 207: Departure

Kat PoV

Listening to the Empress and Sultana give their mini speeches to Jahi, I glanced back, a small smile on my lips as I saw the Demoness nodding her head, her amethyst eyes staring intently at the two women.

What they said didn't surprise me at all; the Empress' warning that she wouldn't interfere unless the Empire itself was in trouble, and the Sultana saying she wanted us to learn and grow from this, but if Anput was endangered, she would step in for her daughter.

Neither of their stances surprised me, not with how they ruled their countries.

If they really wanted to, they could have been dictators; my way or the highway type of rulers.

None would be able to oppose them, but in the long run, that deep rooted hatred would eventually sprout and bear a fruit that would cause their hard work to rot away.

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