
Picking Up a Milf and Her Daughter... and son #025

(A/n: There is attempted rape here, I know some people are easily triggered by it or bad experiences, so if you are uncomfortable, please read at your own risk)

I was driving, Angela told me leave a small electronic device with someone so I gave it to Lori, this way in case the group leaves and I wanna track them, she will be able to assist me with that.

Honestly, the only thing available was a fully charged smartwatch that would probably only last for about 3 days without being used, not like Lori would use it or that we would last that long outside.

I could split from group, but we have friends there, so there is that, too.



I looked down to see Andrea dutifully sucking on her morning drink.

"You done?" I asked, smiling.


"Nope, you keep driving, I'll keep sucking." said Andrea, smirking with cum dripping down her lips.

"No fair, sister. I want my turn, too." said Amy, pouting on the side.

I chuckled and just kept driving while, now two women started sucking on my little brother.


3rd pov

Madison looked behind her only to see Alicia and Nick asleep. Madison smiled at this. Alicia didn't want to fall asleep because she wanted to see Gabriel, but the ride wasn't half an hour like it was supposed to be. Instead, it was almost three hours due to 'traffic', and what she meant by that was that there were just so many vehicles abandoned.

Arriving at the according place, she saw the gas station, it was abandoned, she parked the semi somewhere dark, well as good as she could park it anyways. This was her first time driving one after all.

She got off the truck and went into the store, leaving Alicia and Nick sleeping in the truck. She locked the doors but left the windows slightly open so that air could go in.

She carried a hunting rifle behind her, and he went inside the store and started picking anything she found useful.

*Ding Dong*

She rapidly crouched down as she heard the sound of the door opening. Her heartbeat fastened as she took a peak between shelves.

"I'm telling you, man, we had that woman like a hundred times, poor bitch decided to kill herself after that."

"Damn! I wished I was there, fucking I had to go and scavenge shit."

"Yeah, man. Hey, maybe next time we find a bitch you'll be lucky!?"

Madison felt disgusted hearing that, she grabbed her rifle tight with her finger on the trigger. She was also scared, sweat started rolling down her face. Her heartbeat racing.

She started moving back to get away and run back to her kids, knocking a can of food.


She heard one of the men shushing the other, she cussed lowly, and tried to look to see if she saw them, but they weren't there anymore.

She panicked and frankly started looking around for them. When she turned around, one of them was in front of her while the other approached her from behind and covered her mouth.

(A/n: Ha! classic!)

Madison fought back, but having two men force her down with greater strength, she couldn't do much but kicked and bite the man's hand.

"Haha, she is a lively one. She is old, but we can't be picky... besides, we can show her a really good time!" said one of them.

"See, I told you we'll get you a woman soon, isn't this perfect?"

"He he he he yess, hold her down for me, I will rape this bitch and claim her as mine."

Both men laughed, Madison had tears in her eyes, she was about to go through the worse experience and fate worse than death a woman can have.

She cried and kicked the man who was about to rip her jeans away when.

*Ding Dong*

Both men went still at the sudden sound. Even Madison felt more despair. She believed more men were coming to rape her now since she doubted these guys were alone.

"Relax, it's probably our leader." said one of the man trying not to sound afraid.


Something was thrown in their direction and a head rolled up their isle. Both men widened their eyes and took out their machetes and knives.

One of them tried to look over the shelf, but as soon as he did, a knife was sent flying into his face. The man fell back with a loud thud, and the other man paled in fear at how easy his friend was killed.

He threw his machete, stood up with her eyes closed, and raised his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry! please... don't kill me!"

Silence met him, he opened his eyes but there was no one, he started sweating thinking he was going mad or something but a glance at his dead leader's head and friend let him know this was real.

He started breathing heavy as he suddenly saw a shadow behind him.

"Is that fear I smell... I just love the smell of fear."

Whoever was behind him just took a long, deep breath and spoke, sending shivers down the man's spine so much that he couldn't keep a tight lip on his little pecker and pissed himself. He wanted to run and leave everything behind, but he was too shaken to even move a muscle.


Madison felt fear as well, a huge, muscular man appearing behind her acuser, deep blue eyes shining with killing intention. She could see the rage behind those eyes, and even though the words were said smoothly and deep. She could hear the anger behind them.

She was also about to piss her pants. She was about to be raped by two men, but now a bigger man appears , someone who she won't even be able to raise a hand against. Just looking at those muscles made her feel weak and vulnerable.

She also wanted to run, but when she took another look at the man, her heart skipped a beat. A handsome man, but that wasn't what surprised her. She recognized this young man.

She masturbated to his dick picture after all. "G-gabriel?" she stuttered, still scared. She didn't know the young man, but knowing her daughter knew Gabriel well made her feel more at ease in his presence.

The scared man looked back at Maddison, scared, since he was about to rape this woman who is apparently friend with the huge guy behind him.

The rapist felt a big hand on his should, making him wince and shake in fear of what this man would do to him.


Unfortunately for the rapist, today was his last day. His head flew to the side as Gabriel, who stood behind him, held a hunting knife o hand, blood dripping from it.


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