
Broke the agreement

Its out, the world finally knew of them and there goes any idea they had of overruling a government.

Anastasia stood there with a wineglass of blood but forgot all about it when Hellsing announced the existence of vampires.

"The blasted betrayer!" Guile roared slamming his fist into a table.

She brought the glass to her mouth and allowed it to touch her lips "Told you not to trust him"

"His life was at stake Anastasia! I can't believe he dared break our agreement!"

"Was at stake?" She asked slanting her eyes to him over the glass "If you ask me, his life is now forfeit in my eyes"

"Oh make no mistake, he has asked for the grave" Guile said patting his pockets "Where is my phone!?"

Anastasia smiled looking back to the television, her brothers were never the master strategists, they always wormed themselves into hidden kingpins all over society thinking the deeper they reach the more hold they will have.

Next chapter