
Many Rewards And Lots Of Level Ups



[You and your Party have defeated Thousands of Undead (Lv80 ~ 150)!]

[You and your Party have defeated Seven Nether Portal Bosses (Lv100), and one Underworld Gate Boss (Lv170)!]

[The earned EXP and Gold has been distributed evenly. Undead you've not defeated yourself, but that you helped defeating will grant half of their EXP and Gold to you.]

[Thanks to the event buffs, EXP and Gold earned has been increased by a +50%!]

[You earned 673.000.000 Gold!]

[You earned 186.000.000 EXP!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]


[Your Level has increased from Level 124 to Level 137!]

[All your Stats have increased.]

[You earned Bonus Stat Points and Skill Points.]

[You acquired [Nether Portal Treasure Chest (B Grade)] x4 [Underworld Gates Treasure Chest (A Grade)] x6 and [Nether Coin (S Grade)] x338!]

[For having slain a large quantity of Undead and strong Bosses, you've showcased your might as a World Boss.]

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