
Chapter 14 - Weapon Creation

The black mist contorted and moved as if it was alive, but I controlled it and dominated it. I forced it into the shape of a sword, it sharpened, a handle was formed and slowly but surely it became a sword. A pitch black sword that was so so sharp that no sheath could hold it. It was a sword that no one had seen twice, even the higher ups hadn't seen it. They only knew of my other weapons.

I looked at my sword, it was called 'Edge Of Nightfall.' It had a blade reminiscent of a Katana, the guard was similar in shape to an arrow head, the handle was just a simple one with some rope tied around it. I gripped my sword tightly, with this sword I had killed an innumerable number of people. I then willed the sword to dissappear and it did as I commanded.

A/N: Pic of the sword here, if its not there either you just suck at finding s.h.i.t or I forgot, if its the latter drop a comment and remind me.

The reason I chose to use a sword was simple, it was effective, I knew a large quantity of styles for it. And it won't stand out too much. I'll use my sword but I'll make sure people don't know about my two bloodline abilities, well those outside of my 'family.' I'd like to create an illusion of closeness for them so that they think I trust them. I went downstairs and my 'family' was watching TV.

"Uhm, Cecillia, Iris and Irene. I have something to say, it's kinda important but if you're too bus-"

Before I could finish speaking Irene sprinted over here at top speed and held both my hands and she made eye contact with me. Her jade green eyes seemed to have stars in them.

"No, we have time, you've never really started a conversation with us like this. So there's no way we'll miss it."

She looked at the servants and they all understood her intentions and then they left the room. I sat myself down on the sofa opposite the three of them.

"I think... I awakened a bloodline ability, I don't know if its related to father's or if its my mother's. It also could be a bloodline ability of my own..."

Irene rushed at me and grabbed my shoulders, her blonde hair fluttered in the gust of wind that she had created and her eyes seemed to have a galaxy of stars within them.

"Show. It. To. Us."

"L-l-let go of me."

I was in 'pain' because of how tightly she gripped my shoulders, she promptly let go and sat down while slightly flustered.

I started forming my sword, the black mist came out of my hand and then I slowly gave it form. First, the handle, then the guard. And finally, the blade, I sharpened the blade to its absolute limits.

"You can.... create weapons? And here I was hoping you'd have something more you know... kaboomy. Well I suppose it's kinda cool, it sorta fits your image."

Iris spoke as if slightly disappointed but she also seemed intrigued.

"Iris, having a bloodline ability like that is rather useful considering the number of Adventurers and Knights who die due to shoddy or broken weaponry. And even if you have a good weapon it can still break, so having the ability to simply create weapons may save his life."

Cecillia was the one who spoke this time, she seemed to approve of my ability. I don't know how she would disapprove of it but that was the vibe I got from her I suppose. Surprisingly enough Irene didn't say or do much, she just watched and smiled softly.

"You should test it out."

Irene finally spoke, she had a glint of excitement in her eyes and bore a look of confidence.

"Fight me, one on one, over the past 6 months that you've been a mage I've never once gotten to see you use magic, much less the full extent of your power. So, we'll fight, of course mother and Iris will watch, think of it like a family binding exercise. Oh and don't try to hold back and pretend that you're weak I know that you're strong, Trodius told me."

I sighed and inwardly cursed at the man.

"We're... bonding over a fight?"

"Yes. Yes we are."


A few minutes later we were in the training room, Irene was wearing light weight body armour she surprisingly had no weapon by her side. I was wearing a simple black top and a pair of jeans.

"Irene, in this fight, I will be fighting with the intent to kill, I expect you to do the same."

"That's fine, mother is here, so she'll be able to stop us if it gets to heated."

We both looked at Cecillia, Cecillia brought her raised arm down and said.

"You may begin."

I formed 'Edge Of Nightfall' and raised my sword and got into a stance, my usual fighting style was to simply adapt. Well, when I was running low on Aura, because you know, normally I would just atomise everything. I began moving the Mana the within my core and circulating it throughout my body.

Irene swung her arm and many swords made of water were formed, she sent them flying at me at unimaginable speeds. Each of them was moving faster than the speed of sound, however it wasn't that fast in my eyes. I deflected each one of them and got back into my original stance. I knew that she wasn't trying just yet, she was best with ice magic, this barrage was simply a warm up.

She repeatedly sent weapons flying at me, however they were all useless.

"Irene, take this seriously or it won't end well for you."

I used flash step and instantly closed the distance between us, the ground beneath me cracked and there was a gust of wind trailing behind me. I reeled my free armed back and landed a blow on Irene's stomach, however she managed to block it at the very last moment however I was able to send her flying a few meters into the air before she made her descent back to earth. As soon as she landed on the ground she doftened her landing and skidded a few meters away from me, then a flurry of Frost borne spikes rushed at me at an alarming pace.

I leapt into the air and put my index and middle finger together, I then concentrated and a pale black flame appeared at the tip of my two fingers. I swung my arm and shot a barrage of black flames at her, she narrowly dodged a few. She blocked the very last one of my attacks with a wall rather than dodging it as she subconsciously understood that she wouldn't have been able to dodge it.

However she had significantly lower her field of view, and capitalising on that, I used Flash Step and appeared being her. I swung my sword and aimed at her neck however she dodged, and used her arm to hold herself up and she landed away from both me and her wall after a series of acrobatic moves.

"Irene, I think I'm going to get serious now."

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