
Chapter 10: Catch-A-Ride!

Zed stepped forward towards me, since I was the one that told him that I was bringing Nine-Toes back to Fyrestone alive.

Zed: "You did Fyrestone a great service by helping us folk finally put an end to Nine-Toes personally, and this reward is well-deserved, all of us are in your debt Vault Hunters. Unfortunately, he was just a cog in the machine. The real problem is his boss, Sledge."

Raime: "Well, we'll deal with him at soon enough. It's best if we take advantage of his now crippled Force and chain of command as soon as possible."

Roland: "Agreed."

Mordecai: "That's all good and all, but we also need to leave this area to go hunt for the Vault. Can't really do that if Sledge is blocking the way out of the Arid Badlands."

Zed: "Well, we all profit from this either way. I think you're gonna make a real stir here on Pandora. If you're lookin' for more work, go check the bounty board and see what's available. There was an Echo Recording over by the Bounty Board. Said something bout' the Catch-A-Ride stations. If you're going to deal with Sledge and go hunt your Vault, you'll need some transportation."

Mordecai: "Hehe..."

Lilith: "What's so funny?"

Raime: "Well...

Brick: "You guys had fun without me! How could you?!"

Raime: "Wait! Wait! I promise to make it up to you! Here! Take this sacrifice to quell your Wrath!"

Mordecai: "Why are you making me the sacrifice?! It was your idea in the first place!"

Raime: "So long brother!"

With that, I had teleported away and poofed out of existence before their very eyes.

Every single one of them was completely stumped that I had teleported before them.

I had an excuse all planned out for when I returned to Fyrestone.

During the time we all were resting, during the 45 hour night cycle of a Pandora Day.

I had created a small device that was similar to a mixture between a class mod and a shield.

This was my excuse fir how I could teleport. It was a prototype teleporter.

I had created it during the Night Cycle, using various books on physics, science, mathematics, Time and Space subjects, Black Hole theories and so on.

I also purchased the necessary materials for it. The materials I used, would be destroyered after a few uses. But that doesn't matter. I wanted to use as little money as I could so that I can use my power more freely without being caught out for being a Siren.

I mean...Flak had all those insane powers in Borderlands 3 by just using technology. Also, Zane was able to teleport and replace his digi-clone with his real self too.

So why can't I use Teleportation?

If I had bought a real Teleportation device, it would have costed me more than $400,000,000,000 to get a small portable one that could teleport me only 20 Metres away at a time. And with a long Cooldown as well so the device's circuitry and mechanisms can cool down.

I only had around $5 and a half billion right now. Yeah...I rather spend roughly $70 million then $400 billion for just a simple excuse to give to the others.

Angel was watching me now, with 100% focus. I used my connection with her and I could see John in the room.


I knew he would find out at some point, but I really wanted to talk to Angel alone. I hate it that he is always introducing the conversation and forces her to say exactly what he says.

She hadn't said anything yet to me.

I could see John talking to her.

I can hear him, bit it's muffled since if I made my Siren Connection with Angel stronger, she would find out something was up. And she might be forced to tell him I'm a Siren.

I'm not ready to be hunted by John/Jack yet, thank you very much.

After I cut of my Siren Connection with Angel and had sacrificed Mordecai to Brick, I decided to take the Echo Recording for the "Catch-A-Ride" Quest from Scooter.

I immediately teleported away before the others could see me.

I held the Echo and activated it.

Scooter (Echo): "Hey, this here's Scooter. If there's anyone out around Fyrestone, I'd sure appreciate you givin' the Catch-A-Ride a try. It's just south of town and it ain't seen activity for months. I doubt it even works anymore, what with Nine-Tones and Sledge and all the other bandits on the rise."

I teleported over to the Catch-A-Ride station out side Fyrestone.

I can clearly see that everyone was mostly losing it since I teleported. Lilith instantly thought I was a Siren.

It was natural since she doesn't know anything about Siren Lore other than herself.

She doesn't know that only females can be Sirens. Although, Troy was the ONLY SPECIAL EXCEPTION!

If one was to look at the circumstances of how he became a parasitic male Siren, they'd realise it would be impossible and improbable for another male Siren to exist naturally like him.

Unless you're me and you wished for it.

I wonder what Tet is doing now.


ROB Palace:

The God of Games,Tet's Domain:

Spongebob Narrator: "Meanwhile at Rob Palace..."



Knight_Riku: "WATCH OUT!"






Spongebob Narrator: "And so contines the battle of ROBS."

Tet: "Why are you Narrating all this? Aren't you busy doing new Spongebob Episodes?"

Spongebob Narrator: "I have to fill in for AOT Narrator. As you xan see he is currently...preoccupied..."



I have a feeling two unfortunate beings are suffering because they tried harming Tet.

Oh well...not my problem.

I walked up to the Catch-A-Ride station and operated it to "Digistruct" a vehicle.

I knew it won't work, but I wanted to do it to get Scooter to contact me as normal.

Until I'm strong enough, I won't deviate from the story too much.

(A/n Only follows Borderlands 1 plot. Then I'll derail plot after Vault of The Destroyer is opened.)

Once the Catch-A-Ride station was used, I heard a well known voice commimg from the Echo device I grabbed from the bounty board.

Scooter: "Hey, stranger, pleased to meet ya. My name's Scooter. I run the Catch-A-Ride stations and maintain the Runners. Looks like I was right, this station is on the fritz. Lemme run the diagnostics program and see what's up."

I didn't talk yet and just waited for Scooter to do his thing from New Haven, where he is at.

Scooter: "Damned if the Catch-A-Ride station ain't totally busted. Diagnostics report the primary Digistruct Module is missing. Without it, that station won't do diddly. I'd hit up Bone Head and his gang. They got a camp just down the road a bit, tucked away next to Fyrestone. I bet those sons of bitches took it. Get the Digistruct Module back from them and reinstall it into this station."

Raime: "Ha, well, you're a bit late to the news pal. Bone Head's already dead."

Scooter: "Sayyy whaaaat! That's awesome bro! But listen, you gotta head back there quick time and snag the Digistruct Module before some Bandit or Scrapper finds it!"

Raime: "Ah, thing is...I already have the Power Core, or as you call it, the Digistruct Module with me."

Scooter: "Broooo! You are a legend! Can you see the Future? Is that how you knew to bring the Module with you?"

I found this quite funny for two resons. One was that I can see the Future, but not yet. I need to develop my abilities with PhaseSpace to acquire Chronokinesis. Or I could go down the harder but faster route to developing and learning to control my PhaseTime abilities.

PhaseTime was far harder to even use. As of now, the best I could use PhaseTime to was to the extent of only moving a single atom backwards in Time or forwards. It was harder as it became larger objects then the size of an atom.

Even an ant was making me bleed from the nose as I tried using PhaseTime to make it go backwards in time. Like how Doctor Strange used the Time Stone to make the partial eaten apple, go backwards in Time and become a fresh and non-partial-eaten-apple.

The second reason I found it funny was because I do know the future based on my knowledge of the game from my Past Life.

I denied the claim of knowing the future. I approached

Scooter: "See? It drops right in there. Any monkey can do it. Listen, thanks for savin' me all that trouble. I'm gonna set you up with an all-access Runner account. It'll keep you in a vehicle until my gratitude wears thin."

Raime: "Lucky me. In fact, to repay this debt, I can return the Outrunners that the Bandits had stolen. I had secretly gathered and stored a number of them nearby. I can drive each one to the Catch-A-Ride station here and return them to you at a lower return fee. How's that sound?"

Scooter: "Hell yeah man! My gratitude is eternal now! I'll give you a fair price for the condition of each one you return to me. I greatly appreciate this! Been running our of materials lately down here at New Haven. I'll be looking forward to meeting you Bro!"

Raime: "No Problem. Pleasure doing business with you."


I had teleported to a large cave I had found ages ago.

This was somewhere that Angel can't see into. Especially simce the Angel Satellite she is using is limited.

John/Jack is not the CEO of Hyperion yet. The current President of the Hyperion Corporation is Harold Tassiter at the moment. That is...until he murders Tassiter when the Pre-Sequel events end.

The Angel Satellite was a secret that John kept from Tassiter.

Hence, Angel doesn't have Echolocation and cannot see inside the cave, unless it had technology.

But I was so fast that I teleported inside and took out all the vehicles from my Inventory, before Angel could see inside the cave by hacking into my tech and my Echo.

Once that was done, I had then spent a dozen hours driving back to the Catch-A-Ride station and then telepoting back to the cave, only to repeat the process.

I did make a nice amount of cash from all the Outrunners that scooter "refunded" to me.

Once all that was done, he had spoken up.

Scooter: "Y'all got one last hurdle to escape Fyrestone. Sledge's bandits put up a gate across the main road. The controls are on the far side. To reach them controls, ya already have a Runner from that there Catch-A-Ride. Just drive up the ramp and jump the gully we call 'Piss Wash.' Once you're over, attack 'em from behind and open that gate!"

I wpawned the Outrunner vehicle as he said. I could tell he specially made this one recently and it was far superior to the other Outrunners I had seen so far.

"That right there is beaut' man. My runners ain't prettiest gals at the dance, but she'll put out the second you ask her. And be sure to hit the boost to know why everyone wants to catch a ride with the scooter man!"

I decided to deal with this myself fir now. I'll return to the others once the gate was open to Sledge.

I'd definitely need help to deal with him.

I fldrove of in the Outrunner and approached to jump the Piss Wash.

It was located at the area west of T.K.'s farm where a ramp awaits.

I activated the afterburners needed to cross the gap.

I had gone flying through the air as if I was in a plane on a runway!

Once on the other side, I had received a mission marker on my Echo device, indicating the location of a small bandit sentry post and a gate.

I also heard Scooter comment when I had jumped over Piss Wash Gully.

Scooter: "Ah hell, did you just leap over Piss Wash Gully in one of my runners? Man! Dude, tell me when you're going to do that! That is awesome!".

Raime: "Don't worry, I plan to do alot of cool stuff like this in the future. And how about I use your Catch-A-Ride logos on any vehicle you make for me when I do stuff like this. That way you can record and post it on the Holo.net."

Scooter: "Man, that would be awesome! Deal!"

After some time of driving I was almost about to reach the gate.

Scooter: "Sledge has been doin' everything he can to stop the travel between Fyrestone and New Haven. Now there's one less obstacle, at least. Folks can come and go the easy way."

I finally arrived at the gate.

I could see some Bandits laying around.

It was easy to deal with since there were only about 7 of them.

I used Patience and Time to snipe them while invisible, then when they took cover, I would telepodt behind their cover and slash at them with my Dark Saber.

I opened up the gate...by cutting it apart with my Dark Saber.

Now they literally can't repair the gate by the time we assault Sledge's Mine.

I hoped back into my Outrunner and made my way back when I heard Scooter's voice on my Echo.

Scooter: "Head on back to Zed. Let him know you fixed the Catch-A-Ride and opened up the main road. He'll be happy to hear it. Squeeze him a little and I'm sure he'll cough up a little somethin' for your trouble. If he don't, tell him Scooter's gonna come out there and kick his quack ass."

Well, I made it back to Fyrestone. Although, before I did, I had actually spent 30 minutes in a secret cave doing a certain something just in the worst case scenario

I had then just teleported straight to Zed and informed him about the gate, but it seems he already knew, just like in the game.

Zed: "Some of the locals heard you opened that barricade and hightailed it for New Haven. I wish them the best of luck, but the area is still crawlin' with bandits. Sledge is still out there, and just between you and me, I ain't goin' nowhere until I know for sure I won't end up danglin' from a pike."

???: "Well, someone will certainly end up on a pike right now, and it won't be you Zed, that's for sure."

I recognised that voice as one I had hoped not to hear...

I slowly turned around to face the individual on question and I tried appeasing them.

Raime: "Haha, heyyyyy Lilith...How's things been in my absence?"

Lilith: "Oh! It was great! Nine-Toes got tortured to deathbed his head was mounted at the entrance of Fyrestone. But...you would know that since you naturally entered that way...didn't you?"

I was sweeting immensely from the tension and pressure I was experiencing.

Lilith definitely wants to know if I'm a Siren or not.

I tried looking outside so I can teleport away. I wasn't proficient in PhaseSpace enough to be able to teleport by just having my targeted destination inside my mind, I needed a visual representation as well...at least for now until I'm better at PhaseSpace.

That was my, my face went spalt into the steel door of Zed's shop.

I groaned in pain as I fell to the floor and landed on my back.

My Konahriik mask was still on my face, but I still felt the pain of hitting the steel door all the same.

I heard footsteps, and then I saw the face of Lilith directly above mine.

Lilith: "Were going to have a talk about what you did earlier."

I tried looking around with my peripheral view.

I slowly grabbed a plastic bottle, and opened it. I then splashed its contents on her face and quickly used my Dark Saber to make a hole in the door.

I immediately looked through it and teleported away.

I got to my Outrunner, and began driving away at full speeds.


But...I forgot one thing.

Lilith has PhaseWalk.

And so it was, my Outrunner began malfunctioning and slowing down.

When I looked back, I saw that Lilith was like a purple ghost, she was using PhaseWalk.

That's also how she passed straight through the door and a the obstacles to keep up with me!

I was going to teleport away, but my vision had suddenly gone black.

I felt something on my head and eyes, I know it was a headband or covering of some sort to blind me.

Lilith had then proceed to choke me out with a choke hold.

I tried prying her arms away, but my hands would faze through her body as I touched her.

I then passed out.


Some time, later I awoke, only to find most of my gear was stripped of me, except my mask.

I assume they respected my privacy, or at least Mordecai and Roland had protested seeing my face since it would be rude.

Maybe Brick also agreed not to look. Possibly Lilith too. Afterall, she only wanted answers and to see if I was a Siren. No need to see my Identity if I didn't want to reveal it. Everyone has secrets.

I looked around and saw everyone in the room. And the god damn perpetrator as well.

Time to Bullshit-no-jutsu my way through this.

Now where is my Prototype Teleporter so I can trick them?

Sorry about delay. I'll give reason Tomorrow with another chapter. Sledge fight next chapter.

also, none of them will know he is a Siren. he will tell it in the future to suprise them.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts
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