
Blood Loss III

Zande knelt on the bed at the back of the bus and stared out at the scene of dwindling chaos. Ambulances and police cars were pulling away, the crowd was beginning to disperse. She hadn't thought to ask Dedari if any of their attackers had escaped. Knowing him, she doubted it, but he might have been so concerned with her, Prest, and Rich that he had allowed some of those guilty to escape his particular brand of justice. Amia drove the bus with surprising expertise, and Zane kept her eyes glued behind them, watching for any lights trailing the vehicle. Suddenly her heart was in her throat, pounding in alarm. 

For some reason she didn't want to leave the bar. She felt she was leaving behind her destiny. She needed to be where he could find her. He? Zande gasped and sank back onto the bed. 

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