

Jeremy's eyes fastened on the plate of food which Olivera stretched out to him whilst his mind processed the information he had just gotten. Despite his warranted curiosity, it was obvious to any unseen force out there that the young lad was hungry.

Accepting the food with a grateful nod, he took one of the spoons which was laid out before him, and dug in, deciding to talk while he ate.

But Olivera shut him up with a raise of her index finger when he tried to broach the topic again.

"I will tell you everything when you are done eating." She replied, before beginning to consume food too in a smaller plastic plate.

"Is this food fom him? You know, a guy has to know where the source of food is from…you know…to prevent…" He was saying but Olivera was having none of it.

"Jeremy, shut up and eat. If you are not satisfied with the food, or you think it is poisioned, then be my guest and drop the plate down. You know what, give me that plate…" She demanded, stretching out her hand to collect the plate, all the while holding in a laugh, trying to keep up a straight face.

"Ah…Olivera, calm down. You don't need to take this too far. I am sorry. The food is of course delicious. I am just interested in knowing who was benevolent enough to let you have all these sumptous dishes. Was that too much to ask?" Jeremy inquired, and Olivera shook her head, but made no effort to give him a reply to his earlier question.

"Wait, you were serious really? You wouldn't say anything till I'm done? Not even a tiny witty gist?" He inquired, trying to put up the puppy eyes, but Olivera faced the other way, making sure that he didn't see the smirk that had sprouted on her lips.

When Jeremy saw that Olivera was not shaken on her resolve, he ate up the dishes faster than he usually would. When he was done with the first plate, he wondered if it was right to take a second plate, since there were two plates of food remaining, one actually, since the other one, the largest plastic plate, was filled with fruits.

You could literally see the joy that swamped him all over when Olivera gave him the go ahead to take up the remaining plate of food, citing the fact that she had had more than enough for the night.

Bobbling his head like a kid, he took up the plate and started devouring its contents, moaning in satisfaction at one point, aware that Olivera was smiling at him fondly.

"Olivera…you know you are the bestest friend that has ever lived…" He mentioned, after some minutes. They were feasting on the fruits now.

"You would say anything when your belly is full." Olivera retorted, even though she had been overly pleased by his statement.

"Oh, no…c'mon Vera…you know that is not true. We are best friends forever. You are the bestest friend that has ever lived too." Jeremy pointed out, suddenly holding Olivera by her cheeks, pulling and pushing, amidst her plea that he should stop.

"Okay, stop. Stop! I believe. You are right. Can you let my cheeks go now?" She pleaded, when he had stopped pulling her cheeks long enough to let her talk, although his hands still held the facial softness captive.

"Good. Now tell me all that had transpired today. And don't give another flimsy excuse. Else, I might be tempted to deal with you in a special way." He stated, and she nodded, sighing in relief when his hands dropped from her cheeks.

"Gear up then. I don't think you might really be happy about some parts of the tale." Olivera forewarned, causing Jeremy to raise his left eyebrow at her.

Of course, he had suspected it. He only hoped that whatever it was wouldn't deprive him of sleep tonight. He needed the latter to rest his muscles; there was more work tomorrow.

So, Olivera began the tale.

She told him of the first time in the day that she had meet the taskmistress, not hiding her feelings for the woman, and the emotions that had brooded on her spirit, especially when she had seen the little girl struggling to push the cart filled with grains.

She told him of Nick, the pack doctor who had been her first assignment, and had turned out to be her only assignment for the day.

She mentioned Nick's welcoming and likeable personality and the fact that he had prepared breakfast for her.

She talked about the family that they had gone to for work; pointed out the fact that the doctor had requested that she played along as his apprentice if she wanted to survive in the pack.

She told him about the woman's husband who had gone berserk when he had seen her in his home; putting into description her feelings at that point-sad, angry, intimidated, scared, useless, hopeless. She mentioned how the doctor had stood up for her, and teh generosity of the woman of the home.

She talked about the looks she had received from citizens and slaves alike as they had seen her walking side by side with Nick(for she should have been walking behind him.)

She told him then about Seth and the entire event that had happened around him, the sheer lust in his eyes as she had timidly walked away from him.

She told him about the goodness of Nick when they had returned to his home.

She told him about the visitor she didn't know about, whom had dropped the biggest bombshell for the night, that the Alpha was coming for her the next day.

(she raised her index finger, stopping Jeremy who finding out that the wicked Alpha would be coming for her the next day had wanted to say whatever he wanted to say. He should wait till she was done.)

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