
Little Stark Speaks With The Blood Dragon

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~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

"Are you sure that it's wise to entertain such discussion with someone of high value that is a member of a family that's probably our enemy? Sure, she's a young girl, but I know danger when I see it. Letting her stay in the Pyramid is one thing, but this..."

Oberyn and Raenon are discussing the plan with our current occupant. Ayra Stark has made her way from Westeros. I commend the girl for her courage and guile. However, that only goes so far when you're the daughter of a potential enemy.

Daenerys is sitting next to me, and a sigh escapes her lips. Her hand runs along her still-growing belly, and a solemn expression forms on her features. My own hand soon finds its way to her shoulder in an effort to comfort her.

It's been one week since Arya made her presence known to us in Meereen. Since then, she's been staying in The Great Pyramid as an honored guest.

I'm guessing Daenerys's mood is such a way because of all the preparations that are taking Raenons time away from us. For the last five nights, Raenon hadn't been there until we were both asleep. I'm in the same boat as Daenerys when it comes to missing Raenon.

"I understand where you're coming from, Oberyn. Arya is young and dangerous, as you said. But she's come all this way hoping to gain an alliance with House Targaryen. The problem is Robb Stark doesn't know she's here. Let alone alive."

In my personal opinion, House Stark has been hurt by House Targaryen far too many times. Even if they agree to an alliance, there are no guarantees they'll bend the knee after the war.

They're both silent as each of them expresses deep thought. Diving into their minds in search of something. I'm unsure whether or not I should say anything. This is the first meeting I've been a part of. For House Targaryen, that is.

"Arya Stark could be a bargaining chip for keeping House Stark in line. Say we do align with House Stark. They'll want their independence after the war. Arya could change that."

Instead of staying silent, I decide to voice my opinion. Raenon knows that taking Westeros in the name of his House is inevitable. It's how we choose to rule and maintain control afterward.

Oberyn looks at me as he fiddles with his facial hair. Daenerys grins a tiny bit as her eyes are closed. Raenon remains silent as he stares at the many papers on the table. His options are plentiful. This is just one that I've seen.

"Your suggestion isn't without merit, Margaery. The issue is House Stark knows I don't need them. All the Houses in Westeros know I can take The Seven Kingdoms without any allies over there. A political hostage only gives reason for hating us, not listening to us."

That's a fair point too. House Stark will have every reason to hate and rebel against Raenon if Arya is a hostage. The North would rather burn than be ruled by another Targaryen. The real question that should be asked...

"Do you even want or need House Stark's allegiance? You can exile or destroy the family and place someone else in The North you trust and will listen to you."

This line of thinking favors House Targaryen more than my previous one. There is an issue with this line of thinking. If Raenon destroys the oldest House in Westeros, what message would that send to the other Houses?

Are they expendable? Are they replaceable?

Is that a message he wants to send out?

"House Stark isn't necessary for us to rule. But burning them and supplanting their family with another when they're gone won't be a permanent solution. The North, still loyal to Stark, will just kill them."

Ahh, the fierce loyalty the North has to House Stark hadn't crossed my mind yet. Yet again, the Smallfolk of Westeros proves to be a mighty problem.

Raenon suddenly stands up and makes his way for the door. Leaving behind everyone else. My guess is he'll be speaking to Arya soon. The best outcome is to bring House Stark back under control. That's probably what Raenon is thinking of doing.

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Throne Room, The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

Some of The Unsullied guards escort Arya into the Throne Room. Dany is resting on one armrest and Margaery on the other. The little girl looks above from the steps below, and I can see the personal determination she has.

She's more Stark than anyone left in the family, from what I believe. Dany runs a hand through my hair affectionately and leans into me from the side.

A display to show how powerful House Targaryen is. Margaery follows my sister's lead and does the same. Both eventually sink into my lap and relax.

"Arya Stark... Your request for an alliance can't be offered by you, but when you return to Robb Stark. Tell him my conquest hasn't started yet, and there is still time. But when I reach the shore of Westeros... When I reach Dragonstone..."

My eyes narrow, and I lean forward just a little.

"All Houses that haven't bent the knee yet will be extinguished. Including House Stark."

It's not the answer Arya hoped for, but she nods and spins around. She'll be leaving and taking a ship to a port closest to her home.

My terms for Robb will be brought to him through his sister... There are many ways my actions could be interpreted... Weak... Unsure... Uncharacteristic... Smart... Strategic... Merciful... Unmaddened...

When the tides against you change, so must you. If you don't, you'll find yourself lost in an ocean with no end.

~~~(POV: Arya Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 13 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Shipping Docks, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

It was a wasted trip coming here, but I've seen House Targaryen's power firsthand. Robb must know we'll die if we rebel against Raenon when the war ends. That's if we don't find a way to kill him and his entire family first.

Just the thought alone sounds impossible. Killing Cersei with a dagger and Tywin with a fork while escaping on foot sounds easier than putting an end to House Targaryen now.

They're just too strong. It'll be nice to see Winterfell again, but from what I've heard, Robb and Stannis will be meeting up soon. They're likely to form an alliance against Tywin. Then, after that war, an alliance against Raenon.

I hope my brother listens to me, and my people can be spared. Everything is going to shit, and faster than I knew possible. I thought it couldn't get much worse when I saw my father die. But now, I realize that wasn't even the beginning.

Time to head back to Westeros.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

Rae lies next to me as we rest in bed. Margaery is in the privy for the moment. Leaving a moment of privacy for my brother and me. I've missed his touch and hands the last few days. After speaking with Arya yesterday, we're back to preparing the celebration.

The new year is an important time in Essos. It marks an event in which the times have passed, and we can leave the past behind us.

It's for the Smallfolk more than anyone, and that's who we need on our side. Sadly, no one in Westeros will ever be affected by the celebrations we have in Essos.

"What's on your mind, Dany?"

Rae's hand glides up my back, and I instinctually snuggle closer into his form. A soft chuckle leaves his lips. My large belly is pressed against his side as his arm surrounds me.

"My mind is on the celebration and what comes after... We'll be heading for Westeros after the turning of the year... Remember when we had nothing but a tent and Rhaenys?"

Those are memories I cherish. It was a time before ruling, politics, war, and having to share my brother. He hugs me tighter and kisses my forehead. Making me feel a little better from everything going through my head.

It's the pregnancy hormones. They make me think about these things.

"Yeah, I remember... We never had a chance to be kids... It brings joy and relief to my heart that our kids will have that privilege... I love you, Dany... More than you'd ever know..."

My hand runs up his abdomen and rests on his heart. I feel a steady beat, and a calmness takes over me. After a minute of silence, bare footsteps are heard coming our way. Soon, Margaery is back in bed.

She snuggles up on Rae's free side, and he wraps an arm around her too. Bringing her in. When the conquest starts, there won't be many chances like tonight left.

So best to enjoy them while you can.

"Now, what's this thing you were telling me about with the fingers?"

The sound of Margaerys curious voice stops the nice mood, but Rae and I can't help but laugh a little. She brings a pleasant change from time to time. That, I must admit. And her political mind is something we sorely need.

I appreciate Margaery more than she'll know.

Word count: 1597

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