

"Hey", I called someone from Jace's class.

"Hey, aren't you Ayla? Jace's sister?" that guy replied while I was standing there with an awkward face.

"Do you want me to call your brother? Wait a minute I m calling him", he said while I pulled his shirt again and again so that he won't call him but in the end, I ended up standing in front of him.

I didn't talk with him properly after that day. Why the hell did he even call him? I wonder.

"Ayla, you need something?" he asked.

I shared my head as a no but I was reluctant to move from my place.

"Ayla", he again called my name.

"Tell me if you need something", he said.

"Ahh did you see Brother James?" I asked.


I nodded.

"Wait, let me check", he said and went inside again.

I was still waiting outside for him. He took long enough but at last, he came outside with an awkward face.

"Did you find him?" I asked.

"Ah no, maybe he went to the canteen", he said but I'm sure he is lying.

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