
Enjoy, Luna

When Everest disappeared from her line of sight, Ophelia felt like she could finally breathe again. She sucked in fistfuls of air, feeling light-headed from his trance. He was an enthralling man of mysteries and secrets, much like her husband, yet he was willing to answer all of her questions? Even her most irritating ones? She couldn't help, but wanted to take him up on that offer.

Immediately, Ophelia hated herself for thinking of such a thing. Killorn was working hard to ensure the safety of his people and the empire. Yet, here she was, attempting to compare her husband when he'd never do such a thing. She rapidly shook her head, freeing herself from her initial opinions. If there's anything she wished to ask Everest, she'll just ask Killorn.

"H-His Highness said I can go to him anytime I have a q-question," Ophelia informed Beetle. A secret between her and the second Prince? What good would that bring her?

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