
It's You I Want

Layla went after Dan as he walked back to his car.

"Dan wait. Let's talk about this."

Dan spun around to face her. "What is there to talk about Layla? You keep telling me there is nothing between you and that guy but yet this is the second time I'm seeing him here. He kissed you!"

It was just a forehead kiss! But Layla didn't say it out loud.

"He just came by to talk and nothing more," Layla desperately tried to explain.

Dan chuckled humourlessly. "There is more, Layla. I see the way that guy looks at you, he likes you and would like to have you, he--"

"But it's you I want to be with, it's you want, and not him," Layla quickly cut in.

She reached out and held Dan's hands. "It's you I want Dan, not him," she assured him.

Dan had pain in his eyes as he looked at her.

"Your lips say you want to be with me, but your eyes say something different, even your body says something else."

"How do you mean?" Layla asked.

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