
Chapter 103

With the two most troublesome people gone, now I can finally relax a little bit, I may have not shown it but with everything that has happened I've been quite stressed, and now the only thing I want to do is find someplace isolated and quite to relax my mind and then think of my plan to get the Super Dragon Balls. But even though everything has managed to go my way so far, not everything will always go the way I want it to.

Goku-"Well if Whis is okay with you, then that must mean you're not a bad guy, so let's have a quick spar!"

Looking at the excited Kakarot, trying to urge me to fight is really starting to get on my nerves, I know Kakarot and when he has a desire to do something, he's not one to easily give up on it, and even if this Kakarot isn't the one I'm used too, they really aren't much different.

Sage-'Maybe I can trick him like what Beerus did?'

Sage-"Fine, I'll fight you under one condition, that is if you can do a trillion push-ups."

When I said that, his face was instantly filled with enthusiasm as he quickly agreed before immediately doing his push-ups.

Goku-"I'll do it, make sure to be ready when we fight!"


Watching Kakarot do his push-ups on what was previously a battlefield, really baffled me at how dumb this Kakarot is, I wanted to question Vegeta if this is really how he acts, but I sensed everyone else who was on the sidelines walking towards us. I wasn't in the mood to interact with anyone else, so I immediately flew away, heading in a random direction, of course not before hearing a confused Kakarot.

Goku-"HEY, where are you going? Makes sure to remember your promise!"

I ignored him as I flew off in the distance, when I reached a good distance away from them, I decided to fly to the moon as it is as isolated and quiet as possible, when I arrived on the moon, It was peaceful and obviously quiet, it also provided a beautiful view of the universe.

Sage-'Haa, now that I'm finally alone, I can come up with a plan for the Super Dragon Balls. First things first, I need to gain far more strength than what I have right now and I already have a plan for that, second is 21, knowing that she's in this timeline and for who knows how long, she has definitely grown in power and probably has some other stuff I should be cautious about. Third, Mira and Towa's involvement, I have no idea whether they will interfere in this timeline but even if they do it won't be for a while, I was told that I destroyed Mira's body, so I doubt that he will be able to move around for a while.'

Sage-'I've never been good at plans, but when it comes all down to it, all I really need is more power, and the first step into gaining strength will be to control my transformation!'

Deciding on that pathetic excuse of what I call a plan, I continue meditating as I need to relax and also gain control of the power I've gained after waking up.

It's been two days since I arrived in this timeline, I've managed to return to my old self somewhat, but I'll never be fully the same till my daughter return. While I was gazing at the stars, which helped in calming my mind, I saw what looked like a flash of light fly by before landing on earth, and when I saw that I knew Whis had returned back, probably to get Kakarot and Vegeta to train.

Now that I have a clearer mind, I was honestly really lucky that I managed to trick Whis, It seems people who interfere with timelines are far more dangerous than I thought, considering Whis didn't ask me to show any proof that I was a Time patroller, and instead quickly left to inform the grand priest.

While I was in thought, I saw the flash of light leave earth, passing by the moon in the process, I didn't think much of it and got back to meditating, but a couple of minutes later I suddenly sensed vibration travel across the surface of the moon, opening my eyes, I saw Whis along with Kakarot and Vegeta, but Vegeta and Kakarot were inside a bubble as they can't survive in the vacuum of space.

I didn't know what they were here for at first, but when I saw Kakarots face with a friendly expression on it, I knew he probably had something to do with Whis coming back here.

Whis-"Goku has asked me to take you with us to Beerus planet, and I think it is a good idea don't you think so? I can sense everything that's going on in this universe, so I can help you in locating this 21."

Sage-'Haa, I got to be alone for 2 days and that's it, and as much as I would like to refuse Whis, my instincts are telling me to go with them, at least on the bright side Beerus's planet should be durable enough to withstand in controlling my transformation.'


Standing up, I float over to them and stand behind Whis, right beside Kakarot and Vegeta.

Whis-"Hoho, make sure to hold on."

Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I unwrap my tail from my waist and wrap it around Kakarot's wrist, and right when I did Whis tapped his staff on the moon before we suddenly shot off into space, leaving the solar system far behind.

Goku-"Why do you still have your tail, isn't it a weakness?"

Sage-"Hmph, I'm different."

Goku-"Anyways, last time we didn't have time to introduce ourselves, my name is Goku, the other one is Vegeta and you've already met with Whis, so what's your name?"

Sage-"Sage, and try not to bother me, I didn't come here to play around, I came here on a mission."

Whis-"Hoho, he is right Goku, Sage here has come on an important mission so try not to bother with him alright?"

Goku-"Aww, fine. But you still promise me a fight Sage!"

After our little interaction, everyone went quiet while we continued flying through the universe at speeds that far surpassed the speed of light. After a little bit over half an hour, we finally arrive at Beerus's planet which looked just like what I remember, it looked like an upside-down purple pyramid with a beautiful scenery on top, along with a giant tree in the middle which is probably half the size of the planet itself.

Whis-"We've arrived!"

Yolo give me all the money!

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts