
Episode 6: Friends Forever!

During the sleep of Mertens, This Happened....

18 Hours Ago.


It was time for the assault.

As usual, many lost their lives.

Weirdly enough, General Grievous wasn't present.

Only his henchmen were there to do the evil act.

Eliminate all source of jed'aii apprentice.

It didn't take long for them to reach the children.

And when they did, those who didn't make the cut to depart of Drakan were killed mercilessly.

And at some point, they walked in on Val and the sleeping beauty.

"You there! What are you doing? Why is your eye bleeding!?"

Suddenly, one of the henchmen saw him himself floating.

His body wasn't responding to his own will and it mived towards Val who had an angry face.

"Who the heck is this Monster!?"

But for Val who was illeterate, she couldn't understand the man's words but knew the fear that took him.

It was the same fear she faced a thousand of times everytime she was caught stealing.

The angry face wasn't really due to the kids geeting murdered.

It was more of a remembrance that she had when was little than now.

There was a time where Val was tortured for fun by mercenaries who had captured her.

But that negative thoughts made her angry.

So angry, she attacked first!


His body tearing apart as blood splattered everywhere.

His heart got crushed, his lungs sliced into thin papers, his guts stripped out of him.

It was mornid seeing Val, a weak looking child, doing this horrors.

As they saw in desperate awe the level of dangerousness Val was exuding, the other henchmen thought of running away, but it was too late.


Val saw Red.

Both her eyes started to bleed blood as she soared into her preys.

It was truly not scene befitting of normal people.

But when the moment the last one died, Val felt humorously happy.

She was satisfied of her prowess.

Deep inside, she knew that she reached a new level.

18 Hours After.

"You know what I mean, right? Tell me you went to school.."

Mertens was at it for minutes now.

Trying to get her words through, but Val was a hopeless case.

She never learnt language, nor did she have a partner to hel her with it.


A hand facing the forehead, Mertens was done.

But when all hope was about to be gone, Mertens thought of something.

What if Val had educated herself in the hand-talking?

It wasn't as popular as the common speaking language but was still present in a few colonies.

Of course it was a guess but Mertens wanted to try.

Having met Chewbacca, she had to learn a few sign to communicate.

So, she gave it a try:

Holding out both of her index fingers hooked in a 'C'-like shape. Holding one hand with her hook index facing up, hook the second index into the first. Then reverse the position for the hands.

She wanted to befriend Val officially.

Val, surprised, grabbed Mertens' hands and said..


"Yes! Yes.. Friends. We are friends! Haha! Yes!"

Mertens thought about it when she woke up.

The power of Val was not normal, so, she had to be her side.

She wanted Val to join the Rebellion.

So, she kept with sign language.

Explaining to Val the importance of her acts.

The plan was this:

To flee Drakan and alarm The Rebellion of a new threat Taking Place.


But, Val wasn't ready to agree.

"Why won't you do it? This is our chance to escape. You bought us time.. What's wrong?"

Val fled all her life at the face of danger.

She always chose to stay out of trouble.

But this time, she was different.

The voice she heard from the lightsaber she stole; she knew that this was her calling.

"You plan to fight General Grievous alone? You will die if this madness keeps up.."

But Val felt sereine.

She knew she could do it.

She knew that this time was her's.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you really are sane. Well, I'm sure you will live. But remember, we are friends. Whatever may happen from now on, let's swear that we won't ever hurt each other. Promise?"

And Val swore by her heart to stay loyal to Mertens.

Those two girls had just met and yet, the bond they shared for that short moment was incredibly strong.

But ultimately, Mertens had to leave.

She had a responsibility of alarming the Rebellion of the imminent danger coming.

Val stayed on Drakan as she wanted to confront General Grievous.

It was her curiousity that won over her.

It was a question she asked herself.

Was she stronger than a Lord Sith?

She was about to find out..

×To be continued×

ig: @buggerxbougre


what will be her fate?

That's not the question you should be asking yourself.

Val is different.

She is bound to become the best.

She is bound to grow the fastest.

She is bound to stay herself from within.

Dark Or light?

It doesn't matter to her, For Now.

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