
Cheated On You



Andromeda's eyes widened in shock as realization dawned on her completely.

She had been too caught up with her recalling of her time the previous night to notice he had woken up.

Similarly, the wrinkles that formed on Liu Xueyi's forehead as his brows creased deeply made her understand her situation further.

Not only wa she awake but she could feel a dark vibe emanate from him.

The energy seemed different, like he was staring at her, yet trying to assess more than just what was on the surface. 

If she had not known better, she would have thought he was trying to red her mind.

'Read my mind.' She let out a soft gasp as her her eyes widened the more.


Whatever he did, he was doing it so great. However, his eyes widened a fraction as well, mirroring the same shock that had plagued her before.

"Who were you cheating on me with in your mind?"

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