
Chapter 513 Awakening (10,000-Word Mega Chapter)_2

General Li Ba killed several Council Terror Demons and even did so to create an opportunity for the retreat team. And he was left to face Withered Rose and Crying Hero alone. In the end, his fate remains unknown.

This news had already spread by the time the retreat team returned.

Li Ba was naturally powerful. Faced with so many Terror Demons, many players would feel despair. Yet, he managed to counter-kill two Conference Devils.

But such a powerful player ended up plunging himself into crisis for some unrelated people.

Some started to doubt the officials because of this.

Indeed, the major player organizations would do anything to recruit high-strength players, whether it be money, women, status...

If it were to recruit a master like General Li Ba, those major organizations would probably spend a fortune, wouldn't they?
