
Eage Eye Holdings

She was looking around her and then quietly shutdown on the bench looking at the time. The interview was at sharp 9:00 AM and the girl still hard more than 5 hours.

She was constantly looking at people around her when she decided to lie down flat on the bench using her bag as a pillow. She set the alarm buy her costly Rado watch which she had managed to steal from one of her aunts. The girl heard set the alarm for 7:00 AM and then she instantly closed her eyes. Before she knew the girl had already dozed off to sleep tired from a 10 hour journey in the uncomfortable bus.

The girl was constantly dreaming of wiping the floor and getting kicked by her aunt and her other cousins who always made fun of her. Suddenly her long dream was interrupted by a loud beeping sound and Charla quickly opened her eyes. She was suddenly reminded that she had finally managed to flee from her house and was lying on the bus stand.

"Yawn!" The girl stretched her arms and back a little and straightened her back looking around her. The sun had already risen a bit and the fresh sun rays were falling all around. The view of the bus stand was no better than what it was at night. The only difference was that it had stopped raining and the water level on the floor had considerably reduced due to the sun rays.

Charla lightly touched her grumbling stomach but she did not want to waste money on food items. She quickly got up from the bench stretching her body a little and then started to walk towards the parking area of the bus stand. After two minutes of walking the girl finally entered the gigantic parking area and instantly she saw a old looking auto rickshaw.

The goal quickly took out the newspaper from her pocket and walked up to the rickshaw inside which a middle aged man dressed in green clothes was sitting and having his morning breakfast. "Excuse me? I want to go to this part of the city."

The middle aged driver was a little irritated by the sudden interruption but nevertheless he looked at the newspaper and then lifted his head to look at the girl from head to toe. This is the most posh area of the city. " Are you sure you want to go there?" The man looked at her old flip flops and her baggy tee shirt.

"Yes I want to go there. Just tell me how long will it take and how much money will you take from me?" Charla was a little irritated by the man but nevertheless she tried to maintain her composure. It took the girl just two seconds 2 set other people straight but she knew that she badly needed this driver and she could not be rude to him.

"This will at least take 40 to 50 minutes. And I will take 100 currency notes." The driver started to chew the food assuming that the girl will eventually refuse and walk away.

"Fine! Take 80 currency notes." Charla tried to bargain a little as she knew that the driver must have already told her the amount double then required.

 The driver instantly stopped chewing and signal the girl to sit on the back seat. "Sit down."

The girl nodded her head in much relief and then sat on the back seat of the old vehicle looking at its cracked roof. The driver quickly closed his plastic Tiffin and placed it in a small draw next to his seat. He cleaned his hands with his pants and instantly turned on the ignition making the auto rickshaw rumble. Instantly the man turned to right and started to drive the rickshaw rapidly.

Charla was now calculating the amount of money she had left in her bag. She knew that if she would not get this job then she will not have enough money even to survive a single day. The girl was feeling extremely nervous as she knew that she was in the costliest city of the whole Europe and without this job she will be left on the footpath.

The girl was making several calculations and was now calculating the amount of time she had left for the interview. "Good! I still have one hour spare for the interview and maybe they will serve me some refreshments." The girl was now constantly talking to herself making several plans trying to calm herself down.

It was already 8:00 AM and auto rickshaw had entered the most posh area of the city. Charla was constantly looking out of the auto and was amazed to see the tall skyscrapers and such smooth and wide roads. During the initial 10 years of her life the girl had travelled a lot with her parents but after that for the next nine years the girl had not even left her hometown. She was amazed looking at the traffic in the city, and it seemed that everyone was in a hurry. Soon the auto halted outside one of the tallest buildings of the city and Charla looked at the huge white coloured building which had Eagle Eye Holdings written on top of it with a gigantic eagle sign made on it. "We have reached!"


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