
Run From It All (Ch.115)

Kaylani stood at her balcony, gazing down at the rose bushes below, her expression was calm and though she seemed she was staring intently at the rose bush, her mind had strayed far away.

It had taken an hour long soak in the bath tub and half a bottle of wine before Kaylani had been able to settle her uneasy heart.

Kaylani disliked alcohol, she rarely ever touched anything with alcoholic content and so the fact that she had taken so much of it today was the only sign of how shaken she had been.

Most people believed Kaylani to be calm to a fault, she could always face every situation with a calm expression and was hardly ever moved.

Yet what they didn't know was that Kaylani's calm was just her own reaction to difficult situations, just how there were those who coped with crying or screaming, shutting off all reactions was her own way of coping.

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