
Hire Me

"Blackmail…" Ava couldn't help but scoff at the notion. She looked at Marylis as if silently asking the woman if this was what she wanted to achieve. "How cute…"

"You— "

"You do know I just met him, right?"

"But he values you so— "

"Values? Just from one interaction? I have never met anyone as stupid as you, Broody. Seriously."


"This has nothing to do with you Marylis." Ava was quick to stop the woman from speaking. "You just became an accomplice of a blackmailer. You should think long and hard about what you did today."

"Ava, please. He just wanted to…"

"Why are you helping him?' Ava asked. "This isn't the Marylis that I knew. You must have some reason right?"

"I— "

"Why are you letting someone do something like this Marylis?"

"I saw the future."

"Right," Ava snorted.

"I am telling the truth. Listen… we need to rescue Amelia. We need to get her before she gives birth in a few days."

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