
The Assassination (One)

Suddenly, a loud rumble took place. A few people were wounded when the ruins crashed into the evacuees.

Seeing that they had been under attack by droids. The evacuees panicked, and everyone ran away from the wall. Now that there was a massive hole in the wall, rain and strong wind were blowing in.

The guests were startled after hearing an explosion two miles from the walls. They looked around to locate where it happened but found no smoke, so the guests paid no attention to it anymore.

Meanwhile, to those who are having a picnic nearby the west gate…

"What was that?" asked one guest.

"I think I heard an explosion."

"What? Did someone blast the wall? Or is it the energy conductors that explode?" chimed another guest.

"I don't think so." One replied while looking up above them. "The shield is still up."

"You're right."

"Then, what is it?"

They were curious to know the blast's location; however, they were too lazy to look around and leave their spot.

They don't want to miss watching the dancing lights display in the fountain. Violet ordered her staff to light them even though it was not scheduled. She wants to entertain the guests, especially the little children, during the terrifying period.

At the west gate, Violet and the others experience a slight shock from the blast.

"Protect, Miss Violet!" Anthony ordered the other bodyguards. He walked forward while taking off his black suit, preparing for combat.

Anthony has worn a steel armlet daily, but it is only hidden inside his suit, so they'd never notice. Soon after he pressed something, the armlet expanded and covered his right arm. It was Anthony's special weapon, and it had the capacity to fight against droids or any combatant robots.

Violet groans and attempts to sit up. She shook her head and squinted her eyes, reaching her ears that continued buzzing.

"Are you okay, Miss Shang?" One bodyguard wanted to help her, but she waved her hand to stop him.

"I'm fine."

The bodyguard was worried as she remained squatted on the ground. Violet looked around and surveyed the wall destroyed by the droids.

She only found a few people, so she asked worriedly, "The evacuees? Where are they?"

"You don't have to worry, Miss Shang. Everyone instantly disperses…." The bodyguard would like to speak further, but the droids have successfully entered the walls and started raining bullets on them.

"Protect, Miss Shang!"

The robotic patrol police quickly activated their arc shield and began a counterattack.

"These droids… What type are they? I've never seen them before!"

Studying the droids, Violet queried her bodyguards. She had ample knowledge of droids and robot machines created in this era, but the ones attacking them was the first time they encountered them.

"It looks like they are the newest type of assassination robots, Miss Shang!" One bodyguard answered. It was also the first time he encountered this type of droid.

"What?" She was surprised to hear it. "Someone wishes me dead? What did I do wrong? Who did I offend in the past?"

She wondered, as she only chooses who she met up with; thus, she could think of no one.

Violet is not fond of attending any upper-class parties. Therefore, she rarely encounters and has a conversation with other socialites, especially business executives.

She is only living in peace, surrounded by her flower farm. Hence, someone wants her dead.

'Could it be one of those companies whose proposals I rejected before?' Violet mulled over her memory, but she could not point out one.

She tried to figure out which company built these droids. Crow Tech is one of those that developed combat machines. But it is impossible Allen would send them to harm her.

She had faith in him for some reason, even though he loved to bully her. Besides, he's the one who built the White House Garden energy force shield.

Furthermore, Allen is not the only company that persuades her to cooperate with. She turned down several local and foreign projects: big and small firms.

She disapproved of supplying them with water and electricity because their projects would destroy the entire rainforests in the region. They will clear out a vast area where centennial trees have been grown for hundreds of years.

A few of them, she filed a complaint and requested to prevent them from constructing in particular places because it turned the streams into toxic water and it would flow toward the Shang Reservoirs.

Violet's team regularly runs a test to ensure the lake around the White House Garden is not polluted.

If indeed these droids were sent by one of those companies. Then, they resent her.

She was also well aware that some of these companies went bankrupt after their business partner pulled out of their investments. But why does it become her fault?

'Well, they should not blame me. I am not the one who plans to destroy these mountainous rainforests, but them.' She stands on her principles, so there is no way she would cooperate with them, especially in the future.

"Miss Violet, please go back to the villa and stay hidden!" Anthony gestures his hand to the other bodyguards to escort their lady boss.

"Miss Shang, let's go!"

"No! I can't leave the children!" Violet refused to hide.

There were a few kids near the droids, crying while covering their ears because of the loud noises of the machine guns as the droids continued raining bullets, and her bodyguards were shooting back.

The bullets didn't get through because these droids have a built-in energy shield on their body—the bullet shells throwing around the ground near the kids.

"Please, save the kids!" she pleaded. She suspected these kids couldn't run after they felt horror from the explosion.

Mike, who went to look for medical professionals among the guests, came back in a hurry after hearing an explosion from the west gate.

"What happened, Miss Violet?"

"Mike, save those kids!"

Mike, who always carried a stake in his hand, pressed a button; and the stake turned into an electric shock weapon.

He shouted, "Anthony covered me up!"

Then, Mike leaped higher and attacked one droid. The droid turned its head in his direction, returning heavy punches toward him, but Mike dodged each one of them. However, another droid moved its attention toward him and was about to attack.

Anthony didn't give the droid a chance. He rushed forward and attacked the droid. He soon generates his glove with biomass energy; Anthony thrusts his fist into the droid's head.

Instantly, it cut the head off from its body. Mike also took the opportunity to electrify the droid that attacked him. The droid quivers violently until its parts spark, detaching from its body.

Two droids were taken down successfully by Mike and Anthony, but three more are persistently attacking Violet's direction. Violet's other bodyguards take a step backward as they try to hold their position, shielding her.

Seeing that they were having a tough time holding their ground. Mike and Anthony attacked the three droids next. However, they vanish.

"Where are they?" Violet queried. She raised her guard up, looking vigilantly, watching their surroundings for a sudden attack.

"What are they doing? Do they have the ability of invisibility?" One bodyguard points out.

"These droids sure are the latest prototypes. It appears we are the practice target."

"How dare they attack the Shang princess!?" another bodyguard chimed in.

Their lady boss is the precious granddaughter of Harry Shang. Who's out of their mind seeking death? Assassinating the Shang princess means war.

Not to mention, their male boss is crazy in love with her. They could already imagine what he would do once their boss, Allen, learned about this.

"Who sent you?" Mike bellowed in the air. They believe the droids didn't disappear but were only waiting for a perfect time to attack them.


One bodyguard screamed after it flew a few feet away when a droid gave him some booting. Mike and Anthony narrowed their gaze at the surroundings.

These droids are just nearby.

"Flora, could you detect them?"

[I'm sorry, Miss Violet. My sensor failed to detect them.]

Violet was disappointed. How could they locate these droids if Flora cannot help them out?

It looks like Flora needs a thorough check-up and upgrades her sensor structure.

"Flora, could you reveal these droids' location?"

[I've already run an analysis, Miss Violet. I will use electron dust particles as an experiment. Two drones carrying electron particles are being launched.]

Soon, two smaller drones arrived and sprayed the electron dust particles around them. Not long, they could hear electric shocks and audible wiring sound close to them.

Flora's test was successful as the droids slowly appeared. The bodyguards quickly shoot at one droid. Mike and Anthony throw punches at the other one, but the third droid can still get closer to Violet.

"Miss!!!!!" they screamed at once.

And before the droid could grab Violet, someone kicked on it. The droid flew and slammed into the wall.


"Sorry, I'm late, princess!"

Victor jumped into the air and launched a heavy blow on the droid's head.

Mike and Anthony also took down one droid, and the other bodyguard destroyed the droid's core.

Violet rushed to the kids and comforted them. They all run to her, and they hug tightly to her body.

"Shush now, you are safe!"

As they thought they had taken down all the droids, Flora reported.

[Miss, my sensor detected another type of droid.]

[Miss, watch out!]

Ugh! I was too tempted to write this novel in first-person, but the usual, there would be several characters, and the action scenes would be a mess changing different perspectives. (there's more in the future)

Can I write in the first person in some chapters? (hehe)

Honestly, I'm still having a hard time writing in the third person (even though I'm writing it in most of my novels). So, I'm working hard to learn more!

Yay! Have a good day! (hugs)

Elise_Ellenethcreators' thoughts
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