
A Slave Willing

"Discuss the terms of surrender, you say." The dark-elf wearing an eye-patch on her right eye smiled.

In front of her was an Amazon warrior. Scantily clad, showing off her toned physique. Brazenly staring the dark elf commander in the eyes, inside of her very own war tent.

The dark elf moved closer to the Amazon, getting all up in her face.

"Why should I? Our forces greatly outnumber yours. We will seize your land whether you surrender or not."

"Yes, but we will not go down without a fight. We'll take a lot of your troops with us. You want our land? Let us leave by daylight and there will be no bloodshed."

The dark elf laughed.

"Tempting offer, Princess Antani. However, I have a hidden agenda, one that fills me with motivation to bury all of you into the ground. Can you guess what it is, Princess?" The Dark elf pointed towards her eye patch.

"Hah! If I could take out your other eye I would do so in a heartbeat, Ellamir. How did someone so lousy at the sword rise to the rank of commander? If you want to blame someone for losing your eye then blame yourself." Antani grinned, purposely angering Ellamir so her bait would be more enticing.

Pissed off as she intended, Ellamir gritted her teeth. Her hand almost reached the handle of her sword. She would let her smugness pass. By tomorrow, she's going to savor Antani's despair as her Amazon sisters die around her. If she gets lucky, she might even capture her on the battlefield.

"I must say, your Amazon diplomacy isn't really that convincing. Had they sent anyone else but you, I might have agreed. Go off now, pray that we don't meet tomorrow because you would not like what I have in store for you if I ever capture you alive." Ellamir turned her back to the Amazon. She was all but convinced that their discussion was over, it was the perfect moment for the Amazon's trump card. A deal too good for the Dark elf to refuse

"If you agree to my demand then I will offer myself as a slave. By my honor as an Amazon, I will bound myself to you and obey your every command, willingly. Let me ask you again, will you accept?"

Ellamir's brows shot up, she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now.

"Did I hear that right? In exchange for sparing your people, you will give yourself to me?"

"Are you deaf? That is what I just said. Not only is your one eye invalid, your hearing is pretty shit as well. You sure you're fit to be the commander of this army?"

There was no hint of agitation in the Dark elf's face, meaning that their deal is as good as sealed.

Instead of grimacing from her provocations like earlier, Ellamir instead put on a sadistic grin. A willing Amazon slave, and not just any Amazon but a princess to boot.

The dark elf licked her lips, what could she do to the woman in front of her?

She could gouge one of her eyes out to make it even, amputate her so she could never hold a sword again, or she could just kill her where stands.

No, she's going to suffer personally by her hands. She's going to regret shaming her in that arena in front of a huge crowd. She will make sure of it.

"Guards, come here!"

Two dark elves entered the room standing in attention, awaiting what instructions Ellamir had for them.

"Announce that we're going to move and take over the Amazon lands by noon. There will be no more battle since the princess and I already struck a deal."

The two underlings left the tent.

Ellamir's heart pounded with excitement. How long had she waited for this moment, the person whom she despised the most is finally at her mercy.

"Let's test that so-called honor of yours. On your knees, your master demands it."

The art of body modification was a domain that belonged to the druids. She paid a hefty sum to them so she could have a part of her body changed, in the off chance that Antani would be captured alive.

Ellamir started to strip.

How foolish of the Amazon to present herself on a silver platter.

The slave gasped. There was something on her master's body that shouldn't be there. An unnatural element that made her recoil in disgust.

"Do you like what you see? I had my body modified just for you." Ellamir grinned maliciously.

The penis dangling between her legs was far larger than what any male has.

"You would desecrate your body just so you could torment me!? You are insane!"

For an Amazon, their female body is one of the sources of their pride. Ellamir's actions were unthinkable for someone like Antani.

"Yes, It's all for you! I did all of this so I could violate you myself!"

Ellamir closed in on her slave. Her massive schlong touched the cheeks of Antani.

"Swallow it"

Antani didn't want to. But she swore. She swore by her way of life. She swore as an Amazon. Oath Bound to obey the Dark elf's every command.

Antani's jaw was stretched to its limit as she choked on her master's member.

"That's it! Choke on it you Amazon whore!"

The dark elf enjoyed the pained expression on the Amazon's face. The sadistic glee of watching her slave struggle mixed with the pleasure of getting her dick sucked.

To maximize the torment, Ellamir pushed Anatani's face to the base of her cock forcing the Amazon to deepthroat Ellamir's entire length.

She could feel herself close to orgasm so Ellamir had to withdraw her cock from Antani's throat. Leaving the Amazon gasping so hard it almost seemed like she drowned.

Pushing the Amazon onto the cold hard floor, Ellamir parted open her slave's legs. Resting her huge member on top of the Amazon's most important place. Ellamir sneered at the Amazon who was still giving her a defiant glance.

"Good, keep that fire within you. I will enjoy violating you all the more if you don't lose your spunk."

The dark elf shoved her entire length inside of the Amazon, making Antani shriek from the pain. A reaction she didn't plan for Ellamir to see. Antani was tough, her trained muscles could take a beating but not her soft insides.

Ellamir noticed the blood from the Amazon's genitals. She was her first it seemed.

The dark elf was ecstatic, not only did she get to violate her, she was also the first to claim the Amazon. Everytime she would look in the mirror she would get reminded of her missing eye. She now plans to mess up her insides as bad as she could so everytime Antani would get fucked she would be reminded of how she defiled her.

The Amazon's softness was felt by Ellamir's meatstick, pounding the Amazon's cunt as hard as she could.

Antani's hell was pure heaven for Ellamir.

Noticing that she would orgasm soon, Ellamir taunted Antani about the nefarious plans she had for her all while she's buried in the Amazon.

"After I've abused all of your holes I'm going to have the rest of my peers have their way with you. Once that is done I'm going to have your hands removed then sell you to a human brothel so you would do nothing but get fucked for the rest of your life. You're never going to see your tribe again!"

The climax was an intense one, Ellamir never experienced this kind sexual euphoria before. The cathartic feeling of finally exacting her revenge, the Amazon deflowered, and her dick spasming from orgasm while releasing her load inside of Antani.

Pulling her member out of the Amazon's pussy, trails of her cum along with faint traces of the blood from earlier started dripping out of it.

She forgot to ask the druids if her cum can get females pregnant. No matter, she's not planning on keeping her that long anyway, Antani would be shipped off before she would get to see her belly bulge.

With the Amazon's defiant glare replaced with a blank look, Ellamir marveled at how thoroughly she fucked up the Amazon.

The dark-elf sported another malicious grin. She still has a lot in store for her new slave.

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