
She had to!

The day flew by slowly as unexpected. And in the bakery were the students cleaning up for the day. Usually, they close for the day by five in the evening as it was more of a training center than a market. 

The cleaning took an hour, they rushed their activities as they couldn't wait to celebrate Ryan's birthday. 

They had wished him massively the moment he entered the bakery for the day a happy birthday. And he was delighted with Kath wishing him a happy birthday. He kissed the girl's cheek as hot as he could and started the day.

The laughter between the group of nine could be heard by everyone in the neighbourhood as they walked up to Ryan's house to celebrate. Mercy had offered to carry the cake while Ryan spent his time with Kath by his side. 

And Lucas was on his own, he was the oldest among them so he couldn't relate to their childish conversation. And most of all, he was in thoughts about his wife with his black gaze on the white girl, Kath. 

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