
Chapter 10: The 500 Won Guy (2)

Takeo looked up, staring in annoyance at the foot next to him before his ears registered those words. Immediately, he knew that the "familiar figure" was indeed someone quite iconic. Probably one of the more genuinely "cool" characters in the urban street-fighting webtoon scene. Seong Taejun? No… Seong Taehoon, from Viral Hit/How To Fight. But what would that guy be doing in this part of Seoul?

Sighing, he looked to the side, before staring back up. Taekwondo. Just when he'd wanted to have a rest, someone had to needlessly come and antagonize him. And it had to be that martial art. While Taekwondo was fun and a really powerful martial art, he did not enjoy fighting against them. They were all ranged bastards… But such was life at 8 o'clock at night. Well, he was indeed feeling a little antsy after hanging around that cocky bastard Liam Ran. for a while…

So, smiling back, Takeo replied.

"Oh? 500 won? I'm afraid…. This old man is poor. In fact, I'm also in dire need of cash. Do you have 4 won? I want myself a can of coke before I head home. You don't have to be so forceful man~ Lend this poor beggar some cash, won't ya?"

He took a page out of the bastard's book, as he twisted his back, stretching. The cold-eyed teen stared back, glaring murderously. Seong Taehoon's hair bristled about in the breeze, as his cold smile turned even deadlier.

"Oh…? Too bad. I really needed some money, too." He snarled viciously.

"My bad~ " Takeo smiled warmly in contrast to the opposition's cold wolf-like face. Chuckling for a second, he tapped his finger to his forehead, as if trying to remember something. Suddenly, his face lit up as he stepped up close to Taehoon, a condescending smirk across his face.

"Lesson #1 of How To Fight….. Make your opponent lose their cool. I think that was how it went? Anyway, where you from? I'm from Sendai by the way."

Seong Taehoon blinked once, before stopping altogether, as a dark bloody aura seemed to envelop him. It was obvious that this kid really wanted blood. What a hilarious sight indeed. Takeo raised his long arm, beckoning for the delinquent to make the first move.

"God… You've really done it, man…. I am going to f*cking kill you." Eyes flashing red, Taehoon slowly flipped about, before cranking his foot back. Reaching back, in an instant, he had attacked.

Foot lashing out from behind, it shot forwards with deadly precision, straight for Takeo's solar plexus. The kick was well placed, showing Taehoon's great skill. Not only did it let give some room for the guy to come up with a follow-up, but not to mention if it were to land, the attack would have quite a lethal effect on most average thugs.

The back kick it was called, an attack with devastating force and reach.

But…. While Seong Taehoon was indeed a skilled fighter. He was nowhere on Takeo's level after all. Even without the use of his abilities, he could dodge it. But the title of Tohoku's Strongest was nothing to scoff about. Not to mention, that he had quite some extensive experience in combating Taekwando experts. While this guy was good, he wasn't at the pinnacle of what could achieve in the art.

Sidestepping the kick, Takeo raised his hands, knees slightly bent. Wind flew by his face as the leg extended through, piercing thin air.

Snapping his foot back, Taehoon clamped his foot back on the ground, before sending a wiping kick towards his waist.


Easily blocked, they went on, the brown-haired delinquent sending a barrage of attacks, only to be met with solid counters each time. In martial arts, being countered and not being able to even land one's blows was quite demoralizing and could lead to quite a few openings.

But this guy was different. His absolute trust and dedication in Taekwondo did not allow him to falter. A tenacious bastard who would not fall so easily in morale too that much.


An axe kick threatened to cut towards Takeo's shoulder as he slid past it, narrowing in on the shorter teen.

Closing in on him, Takeo's arms stretched out, his strong jaw-like grip pulling the brown-haired teen off his feet. Using his abnormal strength, he swung Taehoon about, before slamming him down to the ground.


With a crash, saliva spat out of Taehoon's mouth as his shaded dark-brown eyes widened. His whole body flared up in pain as the taller teen raised his fist, drilling a savage blow into his solar plexus.

Takeo punched the Taekwondo expert in the chest, before flipping him about, and slamming him to the ground again. It was a complete, and utter beatdown. Nothing could have changed the outcome in the slightest. It was much like an elephant tap dancing on an ant in a sense.

Seong Taehoon coughed and coughed, feeling the cold night concrete against his cheek, and the bruising pain that assaulted his back and legs. Heaving about, he turned over, glaring into those milky-golden eyes.

"I'm just gonna say…. That you started it. My bad, really, my bad. I'm not gonna say anything else." Takeo bent down and patted him on the shoulder. He scratched his chin. If someone looked at this full exchange after Taehoon had provoked him, it would have looked much different. He might even be pinned as the bully.

"Hu….." Breathing out, Taehoon lay there, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

But honestly, it was somewhat true. At times, Takeo acted like a real jerk. Rummaging through his pocket, he neatly pressed a single blue bill into his opponent's hands. Sitting up, he bowed slightly. "Shazai itashimasu. 1000 won. For all your troubles."

Walking off into the distance, Takeo shrugged. That was quite a way to end off the day. Now, the best thing to complete this would be a nice hot shower.

*Bbing! Bbing! Bbing!*

The next day, Takeo sat up rigid on his mattress, carefully turning off his alarm clock. His long messy hair was carefully parted as he yawned loudly. Above him, the sun's early morning rays lit his skin in golden light.

Getting up, he went about his morning routine. Walking into the small restroom, he splashed his face with cold water, his large eyes blinking in the mirror. Brushing his teeth slowly, he groggily He quickly tied his fingers back with surprising dexterity and slung on his school uniform after ironing it a little.

Walking outside, he bought some triangle kimbap, chewing upon the crunchy seaweed and rice as he walked. Schoolbag slung over his shoulder he once again resumed his appearance as a normal albeit handsome high school student.

Walking across a bend, and next to that one wall covered with Korean Idol Posters, he once again heard the approach of two figures from the other side of the street. And sure enough, there they were. It seemed that they lived nearby. Mary Kim and Vin Jin. Dressed about the same as normal, Takeo jogged over, and the trio made their way to school.

Vin Jin, as usual, attempted to antagonize Takeo, to not much avail. He was mostly ignored, save a few times when he was told to calm down by both other more sociable parties. Mary Kim, on the other hand, was amazing to hang out with. He'd learned many things in the short time they had hung out together.

Not that a few of them he could really agree with. She wasn't a fan of sashimi, which had created a rattling friendship-breaking three-minute conflict between the two of them before they'd resolved it by both agreeing that cold soba was better than hot soba.

Also saying that they had gotten off-topic during their argument. Vin Jin, the third-wheel of sorts, had no idea what Soba was, and simply figured it was some type of ramen.

Apparently, the sunglasses-wearing teen also hadn't eaten bulgogi in his whole life, so Mary told him not to expect any culinary expertise or knowledge out of the guy. What a sad existence, really.

"Yo, wanna hang out after school?" Tapping away on her phone, Mary Kim looked up, her hair swaying about. In her thin flowery fingers, she held a pink lollipop, which glistened in the sun.

Takeo looked up, before nodding. "As long as it isn't shopping. I despise shopping with every inch of my being. Unless it's for food. I really want ginger pork. Shogoyaki is great stuff."

Damn it! F*ckers! Stop ignoring me! You dumb f*cks! @^#@#&@$*$@&*&*#@*@!!!!!" Mary and Takeo slowly turned their necks in unison, staring on as fire seemed to erupt from Vin Jin's snappy mouth as he raged on and on. They both shrugged their shoulders and slowly turned back to the road.

Most of the time, tinted sunglasses wasn't exactly that good of a person to talk to, which Mary had quoted as his "overwhelming self-narcissism and importance". Finally, after crossing the road, J-Highschool once again stood before them. It seemed today would be another old day on the grind. Thankfully, it was Friday.

Tomorrow would be his planned trip to Gyeongju. Completely free of cost! So good to be friends with someone rich. At least he assumed Liam was rich. After that full heartfelt speech about having the Ran Inheritance and whatnot, Takeo had come to the sole conclusion that Liam Ran was wealthy.

Waving goodbye to the excitable duo, he walked back up the steps and around the corner to his classroom. As soon as Takeo strolled into the room in all his glory, everyone turned to stare at him. Greeting everyone politely, he assumed his seat next to the large window, seemingly nonchalant, as if ignoring the whole situation that had unfolded yesterday.

The other students subtly peaked at him in awe. For people around here, it was a given. Handsome, smart, and kind, while also good at fighting? That was what they thought of a real man around here. But this was what other people said, not his own narcissism. Takeo felt a little questionable about the whole thing but didn't question it. There wasn't much point.

Soon, the Homeroom Teacher walked in, and the chatter mostly died down. He went about, talking of the day's normal occurrences along with the upcoming School Festival and such. As expected, the Baking Department was all putting together a large bread booth.

The Baking Department's Class Council was responsible for organizing and buying the goods for all of the resources needed, and everyone was in quite some excitement, despite the fact that it would still be a while before the whole exchange.

Takeo honestly didn't want anything to do with the Festival management. He'd rather go off and spend his time chilling about and just having a good time. And he was definitely not being a part of the Slave Auction.

As usual, the school day proceeded at a turtle's pace, with Takeo monotonously going about the day's assignments. While he didn't particularly enjoy it, the lectures were a refresher… Some of them at least.

His earbuds in his ears, and catchy music played as he tapped the desk in a subtle rhythm. Twirling his pencil about, he watched as it flicked about his thumb. Takeo's thoughts soon drifted off to a person of interest.

A bastard from this forsaken webtoon that brought up many horrid memories. He'd been in a bad mood all day after first reading the chapters in which he was involved. Gun. A key character in the plot of Lookism, the man was another member of the many sunglass-wearing characters in urban manhwa.

A bodyguard to the webtoon's supposed main female lead, Crystal, he was also a right bastard. That personality that simply forgot the "weak", and only remembered the ones with potential. That twisted arrogance as if he was looking at someone's "potential". It reminded him of that Tokyo bastard….. Not to mention so many more similarities….

Covering his face with his right hand, a gruesome expression crossed his face for just a moment. Not to mention the fact that the man had connections to the Yakuza. He cracked his fingers. It was an utmostly morbid terrible combination that he despised all his life. He had nothing against the active Yakuza per se, but….. He'd made a promise. One that he fully intended to keep.

Looking out the window, he sighed. The city of Seoul was peaceful, with large towering skyscrapers in the distance, their broad windows glittering in the sun's ethereal light. Takeo's gaze soon drifted off higher up, into the sky, its brilliant blue hue sucking him in as the teacher's words became mere dust blowing away in the wind.

As the music came to an end, and outside, a small sparrow sputtered and whirled about in its acrobatic display, Takeo's eyes were still transfixed to the sky above.

"I wonder how you're doing up there….. Basho?"

Next chapter