
The Power Of The [Command] Skill!


We were holding off against the Demons quite great, it wasn't just out of luck, everyone had grown stronger themselves.

The Insectoid Demons were very strong though, but thanks to the many boosts to our stats such as our recent level ups, the equipment everyone was wearing, and the power enhancement to our weapon's attack power and our armors defensive power due to Alberta's Skills, we were holding on quite well…

And that's without even counting in the boost to stats that Commanding did, which stacked four times with mine, Eleanora, Hendrick, and Saphira's Skills, which they had acquired through Skill Link.

"Do not give up, keep fighting!" Eleanora commanded.

"You can do it!" Saphira said.

"Do not disappoint me, children." Hendrick giggled.

"They're falling back, everyone! Keep pushing!" I roared.

