
Unknown Welcome (IV)

"I heard that," Sylvia growled.

"What about you, Daulton?" Daulton was chugging food in his mouth, happily eating his meatloaf. He gulped down the food and smirked. "I'm pyrokinetic."

"A what?"

"A fire user. I can start a fire if I put my mind to it without using a match." Daulton proudly


"I recommend using a match or lighter to start things. His would take a good thirty minutes. It's a waste of ability if I might say so myself," said Sylvia.

"It's not a waste. I'm just budding into my abilities. You'll see. One day, with just a snap of my fingers, I'll be able to start a fire."

Kiyro was quite skeptical about what they were talking about, but from everyone gathered here for a reason of being a psychic, he had more difficulties in not believing it to be real. Whatever it was, he wanted to know how they could use their so-called psychic powers.

"I heard that Jergorian had broken through the Electric storm with his guild in the Electric Continent's lands and succeeded in capturing an old castle taken over by an old vampire," said Ken.

"I'm not surprised. It wouldn't be the first. I had my eyes on Jergorian's ability to succeed in getting a castle," Daulton nodded. He took a bite out of his food.

"I heard he's aiming to take over the whole Electric Continent under his rulership."

"That's not a surprise, but I thought there weren't many civilizations on the other Continent."

"You wouldn't believe it, but they are surviving human civilizations out there that the dark forces have enslaved. I heard he had rounded up the enslaved people and freed them."

"Well, he is considered number one for a reason." Daulton sipped on his drink. "At the rate they are conquering quests from left to right; I wouldn't be surprised they haven't already started a settlement. I'm betting that it would become really big."

"He's so lucky. I wish I had conquered a castle and begun building my Kingdom, " Sylvia said. She sipped on her drink and placed it on the table. "It would be nice to rule over the land. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in Mt. Dea's Dungeon trying to finish a simple quest, but it's not easy as it sounds."

"There are other large guilds out there that have taken over small castles around the Electric Continent. I even heard that the Killemall Guild is trying to take over multiple villages in the Fire Continent in the No Man's Land."

"Seriously? Isn't he aiming a bit too high? Wouldn't it be more practical to be starting a village out in the Electric Continent than taking over a castle that's being backed by a large army?"

"I think that's exactly the reason," Daulton replied. He gulped his food and drank a sip of his water to clear his throat. "He's trying to unify the whole Troll race and create a kingdom from there. You know as well as I that there is no king in the No Man's land. If he did unify the whole Troll race under his flag, think about how fearsome his power would be. He could start a war with the neighboring Kingdom and take it over."

"Isn't he a bit too greedy," said Sylvia.

"No. I would do the same thing if I were the troll. Think about it, having hundreds of thousands of followers one would have at his command if he succeeds; plus, it's never been done before in the whole Fire Continent. Trolls never come under the same banner of their blood lust. He would be the first Troll King in existence."

"It's all well and dandy, but what about Lily? Have you heard anything going on with the WaterRose guild?" asked Sylvia. "I have followed her since her accomplishment in the Volcano dungeon's Fire Lizard King battle. But, unfortunately, there hasn't been much news about her since the World Quest."

"Sylvia here is a fan of the WaterRose Guild. If you check her room, she has a poster of her stick on her wall all over the place. It's truly frightening if you get under her radar. If you know what I mean." Ken smirked as he told Kiyro.

"Look, I just admire her accomplishments. Their nothing wrong in collecting posters." Sylvia scowled.

"I never said they were anything wrong with it."

"I've seen you ogle at her pictures too. Not too long ago, I caught you red-handed in sneaking away a poster of her in your room too."

"I'm a guy. It's normal."

"Uh-huh." Sylvia rolled her eyes. "I'm not surprised if you took it and added it to your porn collection that you hide underneath your bed."

"It's a guy's thing. It's none of your business."


"I'm a healthy young male. There's nothing wrong with me having a hot picture of a girl. We all have our types."

"Anyways," Daulton couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, "there have been some rumors going around that they are trying to take over the City of Diadem for themselves."

"What?" Both Ken and Sylvia exclaimed at the same time. The cafeteria had become momentarily silent from their loud outburst. Both of them look around, embarrassed.

"You've got to be kidding me. The City of Diadem is considered the number one spot with the highest human population on the continent. So water Rose Guild will need triple the number of soldiers to take over the city if they even want to succeed," said Sylvia.

"Look, it's just a rumor. There haven't been any known facts about it at all. It's just that the New King has been trying to get the Draconis Library back these past couple of days. Someone had seen a Water Rose Guild member next to him on and off. So that's where the rumor had started from."

Kiyro listened intently. He was three-fourths of the way done with his food. When Daulton brought up the Draconis Library, he needed every kind of information that he could get to keep it safe. Especially from enemies trying to steal what he had worked hard to earn.

"Draconis Library? Are you talking about the so-called flying library stationed at the City of Diadem?"

"Yea, that one."

"I never visited that Library yet, though I want to visit it soon."

"I'm not sure you would be able to find it anymore."


"The whole Library just vanished into thin air."

"You kidding me, right? How the heck does something so big disappear like that?"

"I don't know, but there is a large sum of money for any information about the Draconis Library if we find it."

"How much?" Ken leaned over.

"Fifty gold for every information that has a solid fact to it. One hundred gold coins in the eradication of the Drezo Regalia's living in the Draconis Library. Especially if you bring their crystal heart, you get a bonus of fifty gold coins for each one. The best one is a five hundred gold coin in killing the Black and Gold Dragon. Supposedly, they are rumors that you would gain tremendous power if you get his crystal heart."

Ken fell backward onto his chair, amazed at the sheer amount of gold one could obtain from killing a Drezo Regalia. He raised his arms and pulled back his hair. "Wow. The new king is serious about this, isn't he?"

"Wait, isn't a Drezo Regalia, a dragon?" Silvia asked. "I'm sure it is a dragon. It came up on the Growth website for a new playable species."

"It is, but from the looks of it, I personally believe that the odds are against them, especially since they are large bounties on their heads. The only area they can spawn from is the Draconis Village I heard so much about."

"I don't know about that. It's been quite a hot topic for newbies to go in and become a dragon. I would take the chance to become one like the legends. Think about it; you'll be able to fly around in the sky and even come down and create massive havoc that a normal being can not do."

"That does sound fun."

"I heard that the black and gold dragon kills children and eats them up for dinner," said Daulton. He whips his spoon around, accentuating his words.

Kiyro splurted out water from the sudden accusation that Daulton had stated. He wiped his mouth and stared up at Daulton. "I think you got your facts wrong."

"Really? I thought I was up to date on it."

"Drezo Regalia's don't eat children."

"How are you so sure? Did you meet one?"

"Well, one of my friends is a Drezo Regalia in the game. However, they said that they don't do anything of that sort nor the black and gold dragon."

"Really? I didn't know that. Do tell, is it true that the dragons are as tall as the mountain or even have piles and piles of gold?" Daulton asked excitedly. His eyes twinkled at the thought of treasures and possibly hearing about some tales.

"I'm not so sure about the mountain-size dragons yet. I haven't seen one so far. The piles of gold are a lie. For starter players, no one has that much gold in their account."

"Damn. My dreams are shattered. Do you think you could show us to your friend?"


"What, why not?"

"Because there is a high chance that you might kill him for his crystal heart. I don't like player


"Look. I swear I won't kill him. I just want to meet one."

"That's what they all say in the beginning."

"You're no fun."

"Nothing I can do about that, can I."

"Fine. Then tell us about the black and gold dragon people have been talking about. How tall is it? What powers have you seen it use? For example, do all dragons use fire?"

"One question at a time. So far that I know of is that all dragons use fire, but there is always an exception to the rule. I don't have much to tell you about the black and gold dragon except that I only saw it during the battle with Lilith."

"That's it. No other information?"

Kiyro shrugged. He was careful in telling them any more information that could put his small village in danger. Especially now, he got another bounty on his head, this time by the Kingdom of Terra, just for having the Draconis Library. Telling them even a single clue to the whereabouts of the village could be fatal.

Daulton sighed. "I wish I had chosen the path of the dragons. I should have waited." He groaned. "I'm not sure now if I'll ever even be given a chance to now ride one. We better get going. I know for a fact these scientists or whatever you call them don't like us being tardy."

Kiyro got up and picked up his tray. He felt full and satisfied that he was able to eat. He didn't know how hungry he was until he finished devouring his food. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Same. Hopefully, we'll be seeing each other in-game." Sylvia waved her hand goodbye.


"Don't let Daulton suck you in into doing anything. He has a knack for that."

"I do not." Daulton glared at them.

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