
[x.213] The Secret Of The Vampire Kingdom!

[x.213] The Secret Of The Vampire Kingdom!

Alexis scrunched his brow in frustration as he combed through book after book, yet found no trace of information on the current form of Vanvan, the blue dragon. He grew increasingly impatient as he continued to scour the shelves for any useful clues, spending the entire day in the enclosed space of the library.

At one point, he realized that he was being too hasty in his search. The ceiling appeared to stretch on infinitely, and the bookshelves seemed to go on forever. Nevertheless, he was determined to find the information he needed, believing that if he worked hard enough, he would eventually uncover what he was looking for.

In the meantime, all he could do was hope that Vanvan wouldn't lose her sanity and unleash her wrath upon the world again. The looming threat of Vanvan was a constant reminder of the danger that lay ahead, and Alexis knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down.


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