
Chapter 83 - Gabriella (3)

I love this man, and I'm here for him. His battles are mine, but it also takes a lot of courage and mental energy to unpack all that. I'm thankful that he's doing well, considering what he's been through all his life. He seems okay that he's able to tell me about it that one time. We don't have to keep talking about it over and over. I'll just hold his hand and stand next to him for as long as he needs me.

We slow down as we approach the ICU where a doctor and a female nurse stand outside of a door. They look up as we're nearing. The nurse leaves and then the doctor shakes Mariano's hand as we come face to face with him.

"This is my wife, Gabriella," Mariano says, "This is Nova's doctor. Doctor Thomas."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Morelli." Doctor Thomas offers his hand and I shake it briefly.

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