
25.X Interlude: Clueless and Confused

Shen only stood by as she let the adults talk, silent as she struggled to understand what exactly was even happening.

"So you mean to tell us that you've been keeping it to yourself?"

Moriya's accusing tone almost made her want to jump in and defend her newest best friend in the whole wide world. Shizu was like the older sister she never had, and she always believed in her despite what even the guy that hired her thought about her.

And here she thought that he'd be the first to believe in her skills.

"It didn't look too important at the time," her friend explained herself with a frown. "But Guidance's words kind of gave me an inkling of an idea..."

Guidance's words... That the world was falling apart, right? But.... it didn't make any sense? How was the entire world supposed to be falling apart when they were still there standing and healthy?

"Let's hear it then."

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