
818 Not Here For Us

Late that night, the attack alarms blared, chasing everyone out of bed and sending Nico and Max running for the Mecha for the first time in weeks. 


[Arisen attack fleet incoming. All hands to battle stations, all War Machines are being scrambled for the defence.] The voice repeated constantly. 


It must be bad, the Koleska hated repeating themselves, but the announcement was still playing when Max launched Cleansing Light out into the vacuum of space. 


That was when his sensors activated, and he saw what they were up against. 


Seventeen Arisen Cubes and two Colony Ship type vessels were in an intense firefight with a Knife Ears World Ship, and it had just happened to drift this way as the Arisen vessels blinked in and out of existence, trying to avoid the heavies firepower of their enemy. 


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