
Chapter 123 You Call Those Pilots?

The appearance of the additional light mecha sent the Narsian infantry into a full charge, turning their back on the infantry to deal with the greatest threat first. Even with their losses, they still outnumbered the Mecha force by almost four to one.

The Light Mecha, as well as Bulwark and Morning Glory, moved forward to meet the charge. Bulwark's shield seemed to annoy the giants' sensibilities every time they saw it, but the Rending Claw on Morning Glory was their primary target. 

The blades on the three crushing pincers were deadly, but the flamer in the middle was a much bigger concern. If it was allowed to bathe the battlefield in plasma fire they would be at a huge disadvantage.

The fastest two runners went straight for Morning Glory, losing their lives to a masterful scoop with the claw before being roasted by the torch in the middle of the melee weapon. But they weren't alone. Three more were right behind them, too close to all be deflected.

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