A bath after a long day would soothe tired bodies.
Seorin ran to the bathtub of warm water and tried to understand the temperature of the bathwater. She then saw the hole on her hanbok and felt a little regret. Luckily the rest of the hanbok wasn't torn.
"Rinnie, let's bathe together," Out of nowhere, suddenly Taehyung appeared and said in a husky tone.
She became startled and turned her head around but spoke softly. "Let's not."
Seorin saw Taehyung only wore a white robe, she panicked and looked away from him. Although she slept on the same bed with him for a few nights, he wore his garments decently to bed.
Taehyung smiled at the sight of Seorin's flushed face and then pouted. "But your husband wants to bathe with you."
Taehyung leaped into the bathtub.
Seorin held onto the edge of the bathtub and looked too much pissed.
"Ahhh!" Seorin cried out in frustration and left the bathroom.
Seorin felt she wasted her thoughts earlier thinking this boy was a good person.
After Taehyung was done with his bath, he came out from the bathroom and hugged Seorin too tightly for her to escape.
"Orabeoni, you haven't washed your body properly, Let me Go," Seorin said and struggled to break free.
But she was quite weak compared to Taehyung, that's why they ended up falling in bed.
Taehyung laid on top of Seorin. He looks at the mark on her neck and became happy.
"Tae Tae, you're a liar."
"When did I lie to you?" Taehyung asked.
"You said you wouldn't force yourself on me," Seorin said.
"But I remember someone said I didn't need to endure anymore," Taehyung said.
Seorin saw Taehyung smirking like a sly fox and she panicked. "At that time I wanted to repay a favor I owed you."
"I want to repay a favor I owe you too," Taehyung said.
Taehyung licked his lips and kissed Seorin's lips.
The kiss was enough to make her willpower to resist him waver. When her head spun from lack of air, his lips released her lips and she took a deep breath. She didn't get a chance to open her mouth because his lips engulfed her lips again.
"Seorin, give me your consent," a second later he whispered in her ear.
Taehyung's gentle request entered Seorin's ear and traveled to her heart. She looked at his dark orbs that filled with intense desire and nodded.
That night they finally and successfully consummate their marriage.
The next morning, they were discussing the assassin attack in the palace. She glanced in all directions. She was satisfied they were alone and spoke softly. "Tae Tae, who do you think sent the assassins?"
"Rinnie, you're home," Taehyung said. "You don't need to be wary at home."
Seorin remembered everyone inside Taehyung's manor was within the control of his palm, she realized she worried pointlessly. "What do you think?"
"Rinnie, what do you think?" Taehyung asked.
"Anyone is possible," Seorin said.
"Why?" Taehyung asked.
"The assassins attacked the emperor and the princes," Seorin said. "It looks like they wanted to kill the emperor and his heirs and cause chaos throughout the Hanyang. If that's true then who are the strongest enemies of our empire?"
Taehyung nodded in agreement. "That's a possibility."
"But there's a flaw in that logic," Seorin said. "Diplomats from the strongest enemy kingdoms attended the banquet. If they sent the assassins then there's no reason for them to risk sending their most talented ministers and warriors."
"Um, you're right," Taehyung said. "Besides imperial father wouldn't allow diplomats from enemy kingdoms to enter the palace without having them followed to find out if they were planning an ambush."
Seorin glanced in all directions and she smiled. "You and your father share that same trait."
"Of course, we're father and son after all," Taehyung said. "If they won't be sent by an enemy kingdom then who do you think is the culprit?"
Seorin shook her head. "I'm not certain. But I think that anyone else is a possibility."
"Who else?" Taehyung said.
Seorin thought Taehyung looked like he was in deep thought. "Tae Tae, I think you know who the suspects are."
Taehyung nodded his head. "But I want to hear your thoughts since my little tigress loves to solve mysteries the most."
"I think the first suspect is the Third prince," Seorin said. "Even if he saved the emperor, who can be certain it's not a ruse to escape suspicion? He and the crown prince are the strongest candidates to become emperor. If he saves the emperor then his bond with the emperor would be stronger than the emperor's bond with the crown prince. Also, the assassins attacked the emperor, the crown prince, and you. But the assassins didn't attack him. It's possible he wants to earn the emperor's gratitude and if the crown prince and you died during the attack then he'll have fewer threats."
Taehyung poured tea into two cups. "Indeed Third brother is a suspect. But if they were sent by Hoseok hyung, he wouldn't leave a trail to trace back to him."
"I thought about that too," Seorin said. "It's also a possibility someone wants to frame the Third prince."
"Alternately, he purposely ordered them not to attack him to make him less suspicious," Taehyung said. "Mixing truths and lies together is a tactic Hoseok hyung likes to use to fool others."
Seorin remembered when she attended her first banquet in the palace, she wasn't familiar with the surroundings and accidentally bumped into Hoseok. He looked at her condescendingly and his cold arrogance made him hateful.
Taehyung noticed Seorin was frowning while he drank tea. "What are you thinking?"
"I don't like Hoseok," Seorin said. "I think he's a dangerous person."
"If you meet him five years ago you might be saying the opposite thing now, by the way, is he more dangerous than me?" Taehyung teased.
"No, You are a lot more dangerous than him," Seorin said.
Though Taehyungs statement make Seorin curious still she spoke truthfully. Although Hoseok was cold-hearted and wasn't a person who could easily befriend, Hoseok wasn't as dangerous as Taehyung. Because Taehyung's gentle and kind act allowed other people to dare to come closer to Taehyung with their guards down.
Taehyung saw Seorin grit her teeth and he smiled. "If you could choose to marry Third brother or me, who would you choose?"
God! Seorin thought Taehyung was asking her to choose between a dangerous man and a more dangerous man to marry.
Seorin picked up a sweet bun and tucked it in Taehyung's mouth. "Eat!"
Taehyung happily ate the sweet bun. "Who else do you suspect?"
Seorin felt like talking to Taehyung was like walking in different directions, from jests to sincere conversations.
"The second and third suspects are the empress and the crown prince," Seorin said. "They could have sent assassins to frame the Third prince. Think about why it's strange the assassins attacked the crown prince and big brother but didn't attack the Third prince. It's a possibility the empress and the crown prince want other people to suspect the Third prince. It's a pity if they sent the assassins, they wouldn't have anticipated Third prince would risk his life to save the emperor."
"But to frame the Third brother by directly attacking imperial father wouldn't benefit the empress," Taehyung said. "If Hoseok hyung didn't protect imperial father... what would be the consequences? Supporters for Third prince and the crown prince are strong on both sides. If the empress knows when victory is uncertain, she wouldn't use that tactic."
Seorin realized Taehyung understood everyone in the palace as much as he was familiar with his fingers.
"Who else?" Taehyung asked.
"Someone from Lee Jonghyeok's manor," Seorin said.
Taehyung's forehead creased, he didn't expect Seorin would also think people from Lee Jonghyeok's side were suspects.
"After the assassins were captured they killed themselves," Seorin said. "To train assassins to be loyal and protect their master's identity, their master needs to be someone who is powerful enough that the assassins would be scared to betray them. I did think about Consort Jeon being a suspect. But Consort Jeon's relatives don't have that powerful connection."
Taehyung shook her head. "Rinnie, that's a naïve notion. Even if Consort Jeon's relatives don't have powerful connections, the seventh brother could become emperor and her relatives will gain more power. There are some people who are willing to gamble once for the biggest gain."
"Tae Tae, do you suspect Consort Jeon?" Seorin asked.
Seorin felt that Consort Jeon was a gentle and sincere person and the loveable bunny Jungkook would struggle to become emperor.
"I wanted to say that you shouldn't dismiss someone if they don't have powerful connections," Taehyung said. "Because sometimes a person purposely makes themselves appear like they have no powerful connections to hide their powerful connections."
Seorin thought Taehyung was alluding to himself and she was curious if he secretly built powerful connections. "What about You?"
Taehyung held Seorin's hand and his finger wrote yes on her palm.
Seorin raised her head and looked closely at Taehyung's expression. At that moment the wind rattled the window.
"Rinnie, it appears you've fooled again," Taehyung said.
Seorin heard Taehyung's laugh until he was breathless and her heart pounded angrily. She couldn't believe earlier she was willing to give herself to an expert liar.
Taehyung felt that Seorin was truly angry. He pulled her onto his lap and hastily consoled her. "I was teasing you. You were right about Lee Jonghyeok. He could have sent the assassins. Think about it, I wasn't armed but the assassins were armed and they didn't injure me. But if he sent the assassins, it's strange why the assassins didn't attack Third brother."
Taehyung hugged Seorin tightly. She listened to his persuasive reasoning.
"Tae Tae, if everyone is capable then who is the culprit?" Seorin asked.
Taehyung nibbled Seorin's earlobe and blew in her ear. "My Chipmunk, you forgot someone."
"Who?" Seorin asked.
"Your husband," Taehyung said.
"You?" Seorin asked in disbelief.
Taehyung nodded his head. "While you're suspecting other people, other people are suspecting your husband."
Seorin thought it was reasonable other people would suspect Taehyung who was a prince. But she glanced at his arm wrapped around her waist than at his free hand that was comfortably holding a cup of tea... she didn't believe he sent those assassins.
Seorin knew if Taehyung sent assassins, his enemies would be killed cleanly and none of his assassins would die.
"I almost forgot one more person," Taehyung said.
"Who else?" Seorin asked.
Taehyung looked at the dark blue sky outside. "Imperial father."
In the emperor's chamber of the palace, the emperor, Kim Seokjin was reading reports from Southern Busan. Although the news report was good, he wasn't happy.
Park Jimin, the emperor's advisor stood beside the emperor. He didn't fault the emperor for being unhappy. He knew the emperor was someone who liked all situations to be controlled within his hand.
"Jimin," the emperor said.
"I'm here, Your Majesty." Jimin hunched his back and stepped toward the emperor.
"Who do you think did it?" the emperor asked.
"I think anyone is a possibility," Jimin said.
The emperor laughed coldly. "I only wanted to see their true hearts and sacrificed some assassins. I didn't expect two assassins from outside the palace dared to enter the palace."
"Your majesty, don't be angry," Jimin said.
"Go bring Second crown prince and Fifth prince here!" the emperor ordered.
"Yes your majesty," Jimin said.
Back in Taehyung and Seorin's chamber, she was shocked by who he suspected.
"How can that be?" Seorin asked.
"Why not?" Taehyung asked. "Imperial father is capable of anything."
"Why would he order assassins to attack himself and his sons?" Seorin asked.
Seorin didn't believe the emperor would do something foolish.
Taehyung felt cold thinking about his father. He hugged Seorin and spoke in a sad tone. "Rinnie, you don't understand him. I think he did it to see who he should support to become his heir."
Seorin reflected on Taehyung's words for a while. "It's possible he wants to see in a life and death situation who would save him."
Taehyung nodded his head. "He is someone who doesn't easily trust another person."
Seorin took a deep breath, it was an insane situation. But if the emperor was the culprit then his purpose was to see who he could trust without risking anyone's life.
"Tae Tae, do you think the Third prince's wish will be granted?" Seorin asked.
"Perhaps," Taehyung said.
"Then last night the emperor acted outraged?" Seorin asked.
"Your father-in-law is also someone who knows how to act well," Taehyung praised.
Seorin felt Taehyung's body relax a little.
"Rinnie, who do you think among Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung will make a better emperor?" Taehyung asked.
Taehyung asked Seorin a question that the world speculated secretly. But his teasing tone felt like he was asking her, "Which is better, a Koala or a Squirrel?"
"Tae Tae, can't you ask me more discreetly?" Seorin asked.
"Alright, which one is better, a Koala or a Squirrel?" Taehyung asked and wrapped his arms around Seorin's waist tighter.
"The Squirrel is a little too cruel," Seorin said. "If it becomes emperor, it'll be a tyrant ruler. The Koala..." An image of a dragon-eyed and a beautiful crown prince with a dimpled smile on her head made her hesitate. "Koala looks a little indecisive."
"What about the little bunny?" Taehyung asked.
Seorin knew Taehyung asked about Jeongguk and she smiled. "The little bunny is scared of death. When scared, it will bury its head into a person's chest."
"Then this Koala and that Squirrel aren't easy to pet," Taehyung said.
"Um," Seorin said.
Taehyung had anticipated Seorin's answer. He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. "Rinnie, it appears you became a quite intelligent day by day, Good girl."
When Taehyung aimed at Seorin's lips, a maid's voice was heard from outside their chamber.
"Fifth prince, mistress, a palace messenger is here," the maid said.
Taehyung waited outside the emperor's chamber.
Taehyung could smell the strong herbal scent of the incense sticks while waiting outside.
A while later the crown prince opened the door. The crown prince looked like he was suppressing his frustrations and a little sadness.
"Taehyung," Namjoon said.
"Namjoon hyung, you're here too," Taehyung said.
Jimin walked to the door before Namjoon could answer.
"Fifth prince, come inside," Jimin said.
Taehyung looked at the crown prince, nodded his head, and entered the chamber. He immediately saw shattered stone pieces on the floor and his heart became weary.
The emperor tossed a report at Taehyung.
"Do you have something to say?" the emperor Kim Seokjin asked.
Taehyung picked up the report from the floor. He feigned shock and knelt on the shattered stone pieces. "Imperial father, I was framed."
"Two of the assassins were from Southern Busan!" the emperor said coldly. "You were in Southern Busan for two years. Indeed you gathered good people!"
Taehyung's face whitened. "I was framed."
"I'm only giving you one chance to explain," the emperor said.
Taehyung knelt on the cold shattered stone pieces long enough for its coldness to flow to his heart. "I have no interest in the emperor's position."
The emperor understood the unspoken meaning behind Taehyung's words, "I don't want the throne. I've given up military power and wasted my earnings. I wish to be a carefree prince. Why would I need to kill my father and brothers?"
The emperor saw Taehyung's straight back while Taehyung knelt and noticed Taehyung was no longer shocked and fearful like earlier. The emperor slit his eyes at the eyesore in front of him, he realized he had never been able to see through Taehyung.
The emperor's heart knew clearly which two princes were battling for the throne. But those two princes had strengths that satisfied his expectations and weaknesses that he couldn't tolerate. It was hard for him to choose between the two without seeing their true hearts.
So the emperor ordered Jimin to sacrifice some assassins at the harvest festival banquet and chose the seating arrangements for the three princes. He truly wanted to know when he was in danger, who would save him. But two assassins from Southern Busan turned his plan into chaos. Although the Third prince saved him, it wasn't the result he wanted.
The emperor wanted to know who dared to send those two assassins into the palace! The imperial guards investigated the two assassins' backgrounds, but nothing certain was discovered.
The emperor knew the assassins attacking him, the crown prince, and the fifth prince would make the Third prince the first suspect. But he knew the Third prince wouldn't use such an obvious tactic. Besides, the Third Prince wouldn't risk dying to save him if the Third prince sent those assassins.
The emperor thought about the crown prince being attacked to frame the Third prince. Especially the crown prince's mother, the empress saw the Third prince as her biggest eyesore and could have sent the assassins to the palace. So he summoned the crown prince to interrogate him. But he didn't expect the crown prince Kim Namjoon to kneel and dared to say, "Imperial father if you suspect me then take away my crown prince status."
The emperor broke his favorite inkstone the moment he heard the crown prince easily threatened to forfeit a privileged position and he felt like the blood in his body flowed backward. At that moment he could have used a sword to stab the crown prince to death! He felt like he wasted many years training him as the crown prince.
Of course, the third suspect was the fifth prince. The emperor received a report from the imperial guards' investigation, "the assassins are soldiers from Southern Busan and are acquainted with prince Taehyung."
A long time passed but Taehyung remained kneeling with his back straight while the emperor's dagger eyes watched Taehyung closely.
"You can stand!" the emperor said.
Taehyung bowed his head and stood unsteadily. Jimin rushed to him and helped him stand.
"Thank you official Park," Taehyung said.
The emperor's heart was moved when he saw the bloodstains on Taehyung's knees and on the shattered stone pieces on the floor.
"At that time, your first reaction was to protect your wife," the emperor said in a gentler tone.
Taehyung's father's sudden words startled Taehyung but he nodded his head and he saw his father's eyes become clouded.
"At that time, besides you was the crown prince and your seventh brother," the emperor said.
"Everything happened suddenly," Taehyung said. "I didn't have time to think. I hope imperial father can forgive me."
The emperor understood Taehyung's unspoken explanation, "I followed my instincts and protected what was most important in my heart."
"You can go home," the emperor said. "You're a newly wedded man, be happy with your wife." He paused for a while. "The little girl Seorin isn't bad. In a life and death situation, she still wanted to protect Jeongguk."
Last night while the emperor was attacked, he carefully assessed the princes' reactions first. Afterward, he noticed Seorin hugged Jungkook tightly then Taehyung stood in front of them and protected them.
After Taehyung left the chamber the emperor sighed and looked at Jimin. "Find something valuable to send to the fifth prince's manor."
"Yes your majesty," Jimin said. "Your majesty never suspected the fifth prince then why did you interrogate him in that way?"
Jimin saw the emperor only smiled after the emperor read the imperial guards' report. He knew Taehyung wouldn't leave such an obvious trail. Besides, Taehyung wouldn't benefit anything from the assassination attempt. He was certain someone purposely wanted to frame Taehyung. But he didn't expect the emperor to interrogate Taehyung in such a ruthless manner.
The emperor stared at the door in deep thought. "Out of my sons, he is the hardest one to see through. I wanted to know what the fifth prince is thinking inside his heart."
Jimin understood the emperor's heart had never been at ease toward the fifth prince.
"Perhaps fifth prince's heart never had that desire," Jimin said cautiously.
The emperor's eyes darkened and Jimin's body shook. "Your majesty, forgive me for saying too much."
Outside the palace gates, Taehyung smiled coldly and limped slightly into the horse carriage.
A rumor spread throughout the Hanyang about the assassination attempt in the palace.
Some citizens speculated a foolish enemy kingdom dared to send assassins to kill their emperor and princes. Their purpose was to seize the kingdom. Those citizens heard the emperor ordered the northern army to move back and seize three territories of an enemy kingdom.
Other citizens gossiped about how Third prince heroically used his body to save the emperor. They thought although Third prince was stabbed, he was also the person who benefited the most from the assassination attempt.
In the palace, the Third Prince Jung Hoseok was recovering in bed while Consort Jung took care of his injury. Hoseok and Consort Jung's servants reported to them about the rumors spread outside the palace. Hoseok and Consort Jung smiled with each other and they rewarded their servants.
The crown prince's supporters were worried about the Third prince's heroic reputation so they spread a rumor outside the palace that Third prince was the person who sent the assassins to the palace.
In contrast to the chaos in the palace, the atmosphere inside Taehyung's manor was tranquil.
Since the day Taehyung returned from the emperor's chamber he followed his father's order and stayed home with Seorin. Of course, he stayed home while Seorin was in an inconvenienced state otherwise he would have taken her sightseeing.
That morning Taehyung was sitting in Yoongi's chamber and rubbing a herbal remedy on his knees. The shattered stone pieces pierced through his knees deeper than expected.
"It appears it'll leave a scar," Taehyung said.
"Why won't you be more attentive that day?" Yoongi asked.
"If I didn't kneel on the shattered stone pieces then how can I feign shock that day?" Taehyung asked. "Isn't it good that I'm learning from Hoseok hyung's tactic? Besides, I'm happy I got to see how worried little tigress was about me."
Taehyung remembered that day he returned home from the palace, Seorin saw the bloodstains on his knees and she was worried enough for her soul to float away.
"I didn't think Hoseok would use his body to save the emperor," Yoongi said.
Taehyung pulled his pants down and stood to wash his hands. "Hyung was certain he wouldn't die. A shallow stab isn't going to harm his healthy body."
"It's a pity he was rewarded," Yoongi said.
Taehyung smiled. "That's uncertain."
"Why?" Yoongi asked suspiciously.
"My imperial father isn't a fool," Taehyung said. "He saw that Hoseok hyung could have easily pushed the sword away but he chose to let the sword stab him. It's a pity imperial father hates other people acting in front of him the most. My precious Third brother's heroic display was only rewarded by my imperial father's disdain. Imperial father is kind of a suspicious person. It looks like he is favoring Hoseok hyung by letting him stay in the palace to recover... but my imperial father purposely detained him in the palace to make it easier for him to investigate who sent the assassins. If hyung had behaved and focused on recovering in the palace, he would have earned imperial father's trust... a pity Consort Jung impatiently sent servants to spread the news about Third brother's heroic deed and made imperial father more suspicious of Third brother."
Yoongi listened to Taehyung's explanation and he realized his assumptions were naïve.
"The crown prince is more intelligent than the Third prince," Taehyung said. "After the assassination attempt, he acted like his body is weak and stayed in his chamber to rest. It made the empress angry enough to break off fingernails. I'm uncertain whether the crown prince is truly giving up his position or if he's waiting for a good opportunity to retaliate."
"If you had let me enter the palace to assassinate the crown prince then you wouldn't be as troubled as you are now," Yoongi said.
Taehyung knew if he had let Yoongi wield a sword at the palace that day then the crown prince would no longer be under the same sky as them.
"Yoongi, I didn't send the two assassins to kill people," Taehyung said.
"Then what was the purpose?" Yoongi asked.
Taehyung looked out the window and he saw the cloudy sky and the palace in the distance. "I merely wanted them to be in a chaotic state. If my imperial father is more suspicious of them then they would be too busy retreating to cause trouble for me. Indeed being a carefree prince isn't bad."
Taehyung picked up a fan Seorin gave him and waved it in front of him to blow away the worries in his head.
Of course, Yoongi didn't believe Taehyung's simple reason. According to the news Yoongi received, the emperor was suspicious of the Third prince and the crown prince. The emperor also demoted all the court officials that were secretly cooperating with Lee Jonghyeok. That news startled him. He realized if Taehyung had listened to his advice and cooperated with Lee Jonghyeok then no one in Taehyung's manor would be safe.
"You knew long ago the emperor was suspicious of Jonghyeok's motives," Yoongi said.
Taehyung looked at the words beautifully embroidered on the fan and smiled. "In the past, I wasn't certain but after imperial father demoted their positions, it confirmed my intuition. Fourteen years ago Jonghyeok's sudden resignation would make people suspicious."
Yoongi thought that Taehyung's strategic skills were far better than he expected.
"I'm going back to my chamber to meet with my little tigress," Taehyung said and walked out of the chamber.
Taehyung bought many books for Seorin.
The books were all about nature. In the last six days, Seorin did open the books and read. She read books about love stories hidden behind nature books... it was troublesome being a prince's wife, she couldn't let other people see her reading love stories.
Seorin was absorbed in another love story when she felt someone enter the chamber. She raised her head and saw Taehyung was holding a chugguk (also known as Cuju, Football, mainly used in Joseon times).
"Rinnie, you can play with it," Taehyung said with a smile.
Seorin frowned at the ball. What was she? A three-year-old?
"What's good about it?" Seorin asked.
Taehyung feigned surprise. "Little tigress, shouldn't you be happy you get a ball?"
Seorin wasn't happy.
Taehyung soothed the angry Seorin. "Alright, I was teasing you. Messengers of the dressmaker Han delivered dresses here, come here and see the dresses."
"Why are there more dresses?" Seorin asked.
"Didn't I promise you there'll be many more dresses?" Taehyung asked.
After Seorin opened three big chests and two small chests, she was shocked to see many dresses, shoes, makeup, and jewelry. God!! It was enough for her to wear for many years. Also, one glance and she knew they were all expensive.
More chests were brought into the chamber and Seorin couldn't restrain her shock.
"Tae Tae, you're insane!" Seorin said.
Taehyung laughed. "It's hard to be insane a few times while alive."
Seorin couldn't believe what she saw. In her memories, Taehyung was an excessively frugal person. In the past, if he wanted to buy dried dates, he would trick her to use her money to buy dried dates. So his sudden generosity made her suspicious a demon-possessed his body.
Seorin admitted that everything inside the chests was beautiful.
Taehyung's heart laughed happily after seeing her face. He asked the dressmaker to choose the softest fabrics to make Seorin's garments. After seeing them, he was satisfied the fabrics were really soft like feathers.
Seorin saw the bright gleam in Taehyung's eyes and she realized he was the one who instructed what fabrics to use. She suddenly felt happy because of this love shower.