
Important pointers for exams

[Rein's POV: ] 

"I'll only tell you this once. And don't spread it like you all spread most of the news, this isn't for everyone."

There are only three days left for the start of the finals. We have already received the schedules, and the preparations for the exams have almost finished as well. 

There isn't much left to do since we've finished reading all there was to read and we've finished with practice training as well.

In all kinds of subjects, be it spirit summoning, cooking, or magic-weapon practices, we have done a trial practice as well and all of us made sure the others who had seeked our help had understood at least all the basics that they needed for these exams.

The rest was up to them, but still, I called my girl friends for tea to give them some important pointers for their upcoming exams.

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