
Never Mess With SAS II


I couldn't stop laughing as the girl kept wiggling her tongue.

Its obvious she doesn't know Jared.

We came out of the pharmacy only to see the same girl writing something with a stone on his newly acquired May Bach.

What the heck, I exclaimed when I read what was written.


And who the hell is SAS?

What on earth did Jared do to this girl?

I stood by the car laughing my ass out as he chased after her.

This night is one interesting one.

He came back few minutes later in rage.

He was sweating all over

Where is she? I asked trying not to laugh.

The bitch got away, he said in a low tone.

Reading the words she wrote in capital letter, he kicked his car tyre furiously.

Hey calm down, its not like you can't afford to fix the damages, let's go.

He kept staring at it like he would bore holes into the car with his glare.

Argh, he groaned.

I walked closer to him hoping my head doesn't get blown off.

I taped his shoulders and whispered.

You are Jared Jackson out here, stop acting like J. J.

And that did the trick, he composes himself and got into the car then zoomed off.

He deopped me off at my place then zoomed off wireless.

I pity Natalia, she will be the one to get all of his anger.

Thankfully I'm home already with my whole body complete.


I walked into the house and walked straight to the guest room.

There she was, lying naked on the big bed.

Her ass facing up making it easy for me.

She probably slept off while waiting for me.

I walked towards her without making a sound.

Got rid of my clothes then slipped on the condom I bought.

Doing that reminded me of the girl I met at the pharmacy.

The anger boiling in me increased as I walked towards the bed, prepared to screw her ass off and vent my anger.

I Climbed the bed slowly and she was still sleeping.

I grabbed her ass and penetrated her once even though she wasn't wet.

She will get wet in the process.

She screamed and jolted out of sleep.


Jared slow down.

I ignored her and kept racing faster than usual.

I didn't ask her to come in the first place.

Jared please....

Ouch, no Jared wait



Was all her screaming meant to me.

I held her tight so she won't be able to wiggle out of my hold then I raised her waist up then went deeper into her.

The guest room isn't sound proof, so I'm sure no one will be sleeping tonight.

She kept on screaming as I increased my pace at each thrust.

Shr tried to look at my face but i slapped her hard on the ass and she was forced the keep her eyes in front.

I pulled the CD off when i came.

Then slipped the second one on without her knowledge.

I watched her heave a sigh of relief and I burst out laughing..

Brace your self, Its going to go a long night Natalia

With that i slammed into her mercilessly again.




I woke up with a blinding headache but it wasn't to be compared with the pain I felt on my.....

Memories of what happened last night came rushing in

I was still naked with my legs spread all over the bed with tracks if cum on my stomach.

I sure was looking so dirty

I turned on the other side and Jared wasn't lying with me.

Where did he go?

I tried to get up but the pain seemed unbearable that I had to catch my breath

Did Jared plan crippling me before the wedding?

A blushed at the thought of standng at the altar with Jared saying those sweet vows.

Oh my, I'm so lucky, I squealed happily as I made to come down forgetting the pain on my thigh.

It was like my V area was thorn,how could he be so rough, I thought a blush as I took slow steps to the bathroom to was off.

I think I turned him on so much that he turned to a beast.

Aww Jared, I love you so much.


Sarah come check this out, my friend Lily called out.

She was holding a cream coloured three piece suit, it looked so nice that I fell in love with the design instantly.

Wow, I love this, im sure Justin would love it yoo.

You see I have got good eyes, she bragged.

Sure,I will give it to you on this one

I bought three other shirts plus the suit as we went to pay to the cashier.

Its my husband birthday tomorrow and I'm getting him these clothes as a gift.

We already agreed on making it a small family dinner.

So when is the wedding? Lily asked on our way out.

Jared is yet to introduce the bride and you are here asking about the wedding, I scoffed.

I can't wait to see my son change, I said truthfully, I'm already tired of his dangerous and promiscuous lifestyle.

I'm sure Jared will calm down when he starts to have a family.

I know but I really can't wait.

I'm scared for my sons safety.

His life is way too dangerous and...

I couldn't complete my statement because I bumped into someone as the substance which looks like flour she was carrying poured all over our bodies.

She turned around to look at me with blood shut eyes and I flinched

I'm so sorry, I..... I tried saying when she cut me off

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