
Chapter 50

I was having a dream. Where everyone I care for is happy but I am not with them. I am crucified and used as a battery. But what is that? And where exactly was that?

So I try to open my eyes. But I can't. No matter how much I tell my body, my eyes won't open. I can't wake up. And I am not in that cave anymore.

My surroundings changed. I am now standing on pitch black darkness. I can feel my feet and my body. I am standing on the pitch black darkness.

"Hello…." I call for someone. Anyone... but nothing. Not even my voice echoed. Where am I? Standing in this pitch black darkness, I think.

I was having a dream. About the distant future but when I tried to go back to reality, I couldn't. Instead I ended up here.

What is happening to my body? I was sleeping on my parents's couch and Hazel was out searching for fish and honey.

Eden and Fay were sleeping in the bedroom and I cooked up a feast to celebrate my mother's birthday. It was early morning.

I have summed up everything so far. But what to do?

"Wait…" I recalled. There is someone else I can ask. I don't know if it will work or not but it won't hurt to give it a try.

"System, are you here?"

I wait. I wasn't expecting an immediate reply so I continue waiting.

"Are you here, System?" I ask again.

This time, I can see light particles. Dots of light are actually coming out from the darkness and it is gathering. In front of me, the dots of light are gathering and making a shape.

A human shape. I could tell that much that it was a human shape judging from the outline. But when the lights stopped and the figure was complete, I was stunned.

Because the figure standing before me is a woman. She has white hair. And it's literally white. Not mercury color and not silver. It is pure white which is radiant in this darkness.

Her skin is also pale. Does she even have blood? Her skin so pale that she would completely vanish in a white background.

But then her eyes. Like rubies, they are red. And yet not like rubies because they have a blood red feel to it. If she were to stand in a white room, only her red eyes would be visible.

In this darkness though, she is illuminating the area just by being there. And she is an unbelievable beauty. An inhuman beauty which will devour you.

I felt the chills when she looked at me with those red eyes. Her face is as cold as the dispassionate steel. And yet they endear me.

I feel like I am drawn towards her. I was thinking all of this but failed to notice one thing. I had already walked towards her and knelt on the ground.

But there's no ground. I am kneeling on the darkness and looking down.

"I welcome you, Clive." She spoke.

A familiar voice. The voice I always heard in my mind. But I am more frightened than relieved.

"I know you are frightened. Because you still are not strong enough to face me."

"….." Silence is my only option. I can't bring my voice out.

"You can't speak in my presence either. Don't worry!! I can read your mind. You may think."

(Thank you. You are the System that guides me, are you not?)

"Yes. I am the System. And my formal name….it's too early for you. Become even stronger."

(Why was I called here? What was that dream?)

"That was a glimpse of the possible future. You can very well end up like that or you can join my rank."

(Are you a god?)

"No. I am not those kids. Gods are just humans who live a little longer, that's all. The reason why you are here is because you will face a god soon."

(A god? Is it related to that Martin guy?)

"Yes. He has a god accompanying him. When he dies, that god will fight you. So this is a warning and advice. When fighting, use <Spirit >. But your mastery is still low. You have to be able to use at least half of your capacity with ease."

(But my capacity is currently 100000. I have used at most 20000 at once. Is that not enough?)

"You have acquired singularity. That's good. But for now, you can only use that to travel a bit and store stuff. You need more power. There is nothing omnipotent but <Spirit > is the closest to omnipotence you can get."

(I see. Thank you for you guidance. Now can I go back? I think I have been here for long enough.)

"You may go. I will give you some new skills as well. Use them and I will give a bonus for clearing the trial."


"Facing your apparent destruction, you stayed calm and even now, you are calm. I will increase your capacity."

(Thank you.)

And with that, the darkness disappeared. I open my eyes and see Hazel by my side.

Her cheeks are wet and her eyes are swollen. Was she crying?

"Hazel, why are crying?"

But without giving me an answer, she hugs me. A tight hug where even breathing is a problem. I tap her back.

"Hazel…I can't breathe."

"Sorry Master." (Hazel)

She lets go of me. But she is sniffling.

"What happened? Were you crying?"

"Master, your heart had stopped. I thought you were dead."

Ehhh…. I was dead? My heart was stopped. Did my heart stop when I was talking to System?

"Sorry…." I can only apologize.

But I hadn't looked around. I see Fay with Eden.

"Papa, were you sick?" (Eden)

"No honey…papa was just sleeping."

I can't say that I was dead. But Fay clearly understands what was happening so her face is dark.

"I am back. So Hazel, did you bring what I told you to?"

"Yes master. I have put them in the fridge." (Hazel)

I pat Hazel on her head. This is to ease her.

"Listen up, today is my mother's birthday. So my parents will be coming here."

"But aren't your parents dead?" (Fay)

"I will explain later. Also Eden,"

"Yes, papa?" (Eden)

"Your mama will be here."

"Yaaaayyy….. I will meet mama after so many days." (Eden)

Hazel and Fay are shocked. Their jaws are wide open.

"Now, let's get this show on the road. First to receive my parents."

I think this should work, right? I am getting a weird feeling. Asking System directly after just meeting her feels kinda unreal. But gotta do this before I leave this planet.

I may come back or never set foot here ever again. So let's celebrate without any regrets. And let bygones be bygones.

Exams from 15 September. Another chapter and then a break.

Asocial_monkecreators' thoughts
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