
Act 12: Rocks [Ep3]

At The Wheeler's house, Basement. Time: Morning . . .  

It had been an hour or so since everyone left, All of Dustin's snacks had been finished, Eleven and Twelve had been taking turns making Mike's Millennium Falcon float but they had gotten bored of it after a while. Eleven let the plastic ship fall and clatter to the floor as she looked around for something for the both of them to do. Twelve was lying exhausted on the couch after running around the basement a few times with Rory. 

Eleven stood up from the couch, reaching over and grabbing Twelve's hand in her own, pulling them up the basement stairs. Twelve wasn't going to ask what his sister was doing, He knew she got bored and lonely easily, He was also quite bored so he quietly allowed her to lead him around. 

Eleven and Twelve walked into the kitchen area, Eleven was looking around to find something to busy them with when she spotted the phone on the counter. She walked over to it, Pulling Twelve along. Twelve yawned, Starting to get sleepy- - -  He barely got any sleep last night as he was too aware of every little sound. He only let himself fall into a light sleep every so often but otherwise, He stayed awake to protect his sister. He only actually fell asleep early in the morning when the sun had come out, deeming it safe for now. 

He turned his attention to Eleven, Who had picked the phone off the receiver. There was a low humming sound coming from, The siblings started mimicking it before getting bored and moving on from it. They stopped in front of the TV. They knelt down in front of it while Eleven clicked through the channels. 

RONALD REAGAN: . . . was occupying a large part of lebanon - - - *Click* {A/N: I'll be using this sound for switching of channels}

NEWSWOMAN: . . .  Today, Syria has become  home for- - - *Click*

HE-MAN: I have the power!- - - *Click* 

ANNOUNCER: . . .Girt that will last forever. From The harmony treasures collection- - - *Click* 


Eleven switched the channel once again, not interested in any of the channels currently playing until she saw a commercial for Coke, She paused- - - Clenching Twelve's hand- - - Twelve was frozen too. They both had fallen into their memories. 

{A/N: I'm going to be referring to Brenner mostly as Papa, Sorry if that confuses some people. Just keep that in mind}

Eleven remembered when Papa wanted her to crush a coke can with her mind, He watched her from the glass wall as she had a brain monitoring machine attested to her head. Papa nodded his head towards her, Eleven nodding back. She narrowed her eyes at the Coke can on the table, Straining her mind as she began crushing the can. The machine was beeping rapidly as Eleven started breathing heavily once she was finished. Papa clapped his hands at her, disregarding the blood flowing her nose as he smiled at her. Pleased with the strength of her power. Progress. 

Twelve remembered when he was in the same room Eleven was previously in, Papa behind the glass with other doctors and scientists. There was a Coke can in the table in front of him, He looked up at Papa, receiving a nod of the head and a big smile. Twelve had the same machines connected to his head but his hair wasn't buzzed all the way to avoid confusion as Eleven and Twelve looked almost the same, except for their height. So Papa only cut his hair to his ears. Anyway, Twelve was a little hesitant to use his powers, He was scared of what he could do. He had seen the consequences that came from using his voice and his power. When Papa saw that Twelve wasn't doing anything, He frowned. He pushed the microphone button so he could speak to Twelve, "Do it, Twelve. You don't want to have to go back into the Dark room again, Do you?" Papa threatened him, Twelve quickly shook his head before settling his gaze on the Coke can. He narrowed his eyes, building the energy in his throat, The lights began pulsating and the Brain monitor was going off the charts before he even did anything. Twelve parted his mouth slightly, Squeezing his eyes shut before shrieking as loud as he could. The lights in the room Twelve was in and the room with Papa in it shattered when the light bulb grew too bright. Twelve's scream echoed before fading out. When the red emergency lights finally kicked on, The doctors, scientists and Even Papa stared in amazement. Inside the room, On the table in front of a heavily panting Twelve, Was the coke can that was on the table was now in pieces scattered around the room. Even the buttle proof glass that Papa and the rest were behind had small cracks in it. 

"Extraordinary"  Papa breathed out, His gaze resting on Twelve that had blood rolling down his nose all the way too his chin, "Good job, Twelve. Looks like you won't be going to the Dark room today" Papa clapped his hands. 

Eleven and Twelve snapped back to reality, Their fingers turning white from how hard they were squeezing each other's hand. They whimpered softly before Eleven turned off the TV. They leaned on each other for comfort, Holding each other close- - -  Trying to forget the memories they had of the lab. The bad place.  

At Melvald's General store, Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . 

Joyce pulled her cart up to the register, Christmas carol's playing in the background as she started piling boxes upon boxes of Christmas lights onto the counter. Donald was looking at Joyce weirdly, He sighed, "Joyce- - -"Just ring me up, donald" Joyce was in no mood for anyone's shit right now. 

At Hawkin's lab, Outside tunnel. Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . 

Hopper, Callahan, Powell and Mr. Shaeffer {A/N: I'm not sure if this is the right name. I don't remember who was out there with them} were standing outside the Lab, Hopper was shining his flashlight down the tunnel with Mr. Shaeffer standing behind them, " And you think these missing boy's may have crawled through here?" He questioned them, laughing a tiny bit at how laughable that idea was. 

"Well, That was the idea" Hopper nodded his head, taking one more look down the tunnel before standing up straight, turning back to Mr. Shaeffer, "Yeah, I just don't see how that'd be possible. We've got over 100 cameras. Every square inch covered, plus all my guys. No one breaks in here, Certainly not some kids" Mr. Shaeffer scoffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Hopper stilled for a second, "Those cameras, You keep the tapes?" He asked. 

At Hawkin's lab, The Hallways. Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . . 

Hopper and Mr. Shaeffer were in front, walking down the hallway. Callahan and Powell were walking behind them, chit chatter to themselves. Hopper was looking all around the hallway, scientists and doctors rushing to and fro everywhere, "If you don't mind me asking, What do you guys do in here?" He inquired, looking back over at Schaeffer, Who chuckled lowly, "you're asking the wrong guy". 

Hopper stayed silent for a bit before speaking again, "Staying one step ahead of the russians?" He wryly joked, "I expect, Something like that" Shaeffer replied, shoving his hands into his pockets as they continued on walking, "Who's in charge here?" He asked question after question but Shaeffer didn't seem to mind to much as they neared the camera control room. 

" That'd be Dr. Brenner" Shaeffe answered, Callahan quickly asked him a question that had been weighing a bit too much on his mind, "And he builds the space lasers?" Shaeffer did a double take, wondering what this man was thinking when he asked such a question, "Space lasers?" Hopper waved Callahan off, "Ignore him" 

At Hawkin's Lab, Camera control room. Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . 

There was a sound of a tape rewinding before playing, "This is the night of the 6th and 7th we're seeing here" Hopper questioned Shaeffer, Who nodded his head, "Thats correct". The tape then stopped, finished playing through, " Is that it?" Shaeffer nodded his head once again, "Like I said, We would have seen him" Shaeffer told him, smiling slightly at Hopper. 

At Hawkin's lab, Parking lot. Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . 

Hopper, Callahan and Powell were walking back to Hop's Chevy blazer, Hopper opened his door but didn't get in. Callahan and Powell didn't either, waiting for Hop to speak. 

" The night of the 7th, We had a search party out for Will. You remember anything about that night?" Hopper asked the Officers, Who glanced at each other before shaking their heads, "Mmm, Not much to remember. Called it off", "'Cause of the storm" Callahan started and Powell finished. Hopper nodded his head, "Yeah, A lot of rain that night" Hop paused, looking back at the Lab to make sure no was watching them before resuming his sentence, "You see any rain on that tape?" He pointed out. 

Powell nodded his head, Not remembering seeing any rain on the tape, "What are you thinking?" Powell asked him, as the three of them clambered into the chevy blazer, "I don't know. But they're lying" He said before driving off. 

At The Wheeler's House, Nancy's room. Time: Morning/Afternoon  . . . 

Eleven and Twelve had wandered into Nancy's room once they calmed down, Eleven had found a pink music box on a shelf. She opened it and listened to the music play for a second before closing it. A frown had found its way onto her face, Twelve saw it. A frown replaced his confused stare as she walked over to her and hugged her from behind, smiling up at her when she looked down at him. She smiled as they turned away from the music box, Not bothering with again.

At Hawkin's high school, Cafeteria. Time: Morning/Afternoon. . .  

Nancy had her food tray in her hands as she walked over to Steve's table where he, Tommy and Carol were sitting and eating lunch. Nancy sat her tray down on the table and sat in the seat on Steve's right, She wasn't all that hungry right now as she was too worried about Barbara. She put her plastic fork down and looked over at Tommy, Who was talking to Carol. 

"Hey, Tommy. When you left, did you see barb?" 

Tommy looked over at her, "What?" Nancy sighed, "Barbara, She's not here today". Tommy chuckled, Exchanging glances with Carol, "I seriously have no idea who you're talking about" He told her. Nancy groaned, she just wanted to know Barb was alright. Maybe she shouldn't have sat here, She should be looking for Barb right now. 

Steve sighed, "Come On, Don't be an ass man. Did you . . . Did you see her leave last night or not?" He asked Tommy, Who stopped laughing and shook his head. He looked at Nancy, "No, She was gone when we left" He answered her. 

Carol snickered, "Probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning" She started fake moaning while Tommy chuckled beside her. Steve sighed at his immature friends, He could still see the concern on Nancy's face, "Listen . . . I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just . . .  she's probably just, like, skipping or something" Steve tried to reassured her. Nancy wasn't exactly reassured but decided to pretend like she was, She didn't want to make this a huge deal in case Barb was just at home or something. 

"Yeah. Yeah, Probably" She smiled weakly. 

At Hawkins Middle school, Behind the baseball field (I think). Time: Morning/Afternoon . . . 

The trio were searching through the grass behind the baseball field for some rocks that could fit in Lucas's  wrist rocket. Mike and Lucas were measuring rocks, "How about this one?" Mike picked up a rock and showed Lucas- - - Who shook his head- - - "Too big for the sling" 

Dustin then started talking about El and Lev, "So do you think Eleven was born with her powers? Like the X-men, Or do you think she acquired them, like . . .like green lantern? What do you think Twelve's powers are? Like, Visions or something?" Lucas however still wasn't a big fan of the pair, "They're not superheroes. They're weirdo's. Especially the girl, They could be lying to us" He bellowed, throwing away a rock that was too small for his sling. 

Mike quickly retorted what Lucas said though, "Why does that matter? The X-Men are weirdo's. Besides, El wouldn't lie to us". Lucas huffed, "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her". Mike's eyes showed confusion as he looked at Lucas, "What are you talking about?" 

Lucas felt like face-palming, "Mike, Seriously?", Mike and Lucas had stopped searching through the grass when they began talking. Dustin was still silently searching, not wanting to intrude and get yelled at by accident. So he kept his opinions to himself as the two continued their argument. 

"What?" Mike felt baffled by what Lucas just said, "You look at her all, like . . . 'Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much- -  Would you marry me?'" Lucas exclaimed, Getting down on one knee in front of Mike. Mike glared at lucas, "Shut up, Lucas!" He shouted, pushing Lucas away from him when they heard, "Yeah, Shut up, Lucas" Troy mocked, James walking behind him as they approached the trio. 

"What are you losers doing back here?" James asked them, Troy sneered with his arms crossed in front of his chest, "Probably looking for their missing friend" James scoffed as he nodded his head to his friends statement. 

Mike glared at the bullies, "Thats not funny. It's serious. He's in danger" Dustin snapped, curling his hands into fists. Troy smiled madly at Mike and his friends, "I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's in danger. He's dead. Thats what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer" Troy and James shared a laugh. 

The trio groaned but didn't make any moves to retort, They knew what would happen if they did so they just ignored them and tried to walk away but Troy put his foot out slightly, Making Mike trip and hit his chin hard on a rock. Mike winced, Dustin and Lucas quickly helping him up as they watched Troy and James walk away while cackling to themselves, "Watch where you're going, frogface" 

The trio stared at them harshly before taking their eyes away from their bullies, "You all right?" Dustin asked him, Checking Mike's chin. There was a medium sized cut that was bleeding a little bit, {A/N: It kinda looked like Harry potter's scar on his forehead} "Yeah" Mike sighed, before his gaze lingered on the rock he cut his chin on. He picked it up, "Hey. How about this one?" He showed the rock to Dustin and Lucas. 

Lucas took the rock from Mike, "Yeah" He chuckled, tossing the rock up in the air a bit before clenching his hand around it, "Yeah?" Mike smiled. Lucas nodded his head, "Yeah, this is it. This is the monster killer!" Lucas exclaimed, making Mike and Dustin laugh. 

At The Byers House, Front door. Time: Early afternoon . . . . 

Karen Wheeler knocked on Joyce's front door, She had Holly on her hip with one arm around her and in her other hand, she had a casserole. Joyce opened the door cautiously, But sighed when she saw it was just Karen. 

"Hey, Karen" Joyce greeted her, waving her hand a little at Holly, "Hi. . . I brought you a casserole" Karen was slightly distracted by the Christmas lights that were hung up all over the house, "Oh! Thank you, Uh . . . You wanna . . . come in?" Joyce offered. 

At Hawkin's Library, Time: Early afternoon. . . . 

Hopper and Powell walked into the library, Hopper sighing as he walked up to the front desk. The librarian looked up and frowned, "Hey, Marissa. How you doin'?" Hopper smiled at her but his smile fell when she opened her mouth to speak, "You have a lot a nerve showing up here" She said. 


"You could have at least called, said 'Marissa! Hey, It's gonna work out. Sorry I wasted your time. I'm a dick'" 

"Yep. I;m sorry. Uh . . . . Maybe we could go out again next week?" 

There was a very awkward silence. Marissa narrowing her eyes at Hopper, who cleared his throat, "Newspapers? You guys got Newspapers around here?" He brought the attention away himself successfully.

Marissa sighed, She stood up from her black chair and walked over to a filing cabinet. She pulled one of the slots open, small cards were organised inside it. She flitted through them, "We have New york Times, The post, All the big ones. Organised by year and Topic. You can find the corresponding microfiche in the reading room" She explained, Hopper and Powell nodded their heads. 

"Okay, We're looking for anything on the Hawkins National Laboratory" 

Marissa furrowed her brow, "Well, Shouldn't you be looking for that missing kid?" She questioned them, Setting her hands on her hip as she looked at Hop and Powell. They nodded their heads, "Yeah. We are" Hop stated, like it was an obvious thing to others. Marissa shook her head, not caring for an explanation. She shook her head, scoffing when Hopper assumed that she would be helping them before turning on her heels and walking away from the Men. 

Once she was gone, Powell turned his gaze to Hopper, "The Librarian?" 

At The Byer's house, Kitchen. Time: Early afternoon. . . .

A Timer was ticking, The casserole was in the oven, Karen, Holly and Joyce were seated at the table. Holly was playing with her toys while Karen and Joyce were talking to each other, "Will always loved christmas, You know" Joyce chuckled, "So I thought if I . . .  I put the lights up . . . I don't know, He . . . I'd feel like he was home somehow. I-It's silly, I know" 

Karen quickly waved her hands, Shaking her head, "No. No, It's not silly. How is Jonathan holding up?" Karen quickly changed the subject, with a small smile on his lips.

Joyce Inhaled deeply, "You know, he's good at taking care of himself. He always has been, you know? I . . .*Scoff* I mean, He thinks I'm losing my mind, But . . . " Joyce trailed off, Her smile had been replaced with a frown. 

"Is something the matter?" Karen asked her concern lining her voice, "Uh, No. No, I just . . . We're just having Electrical problems" Joyce quickly assured her but didn't sound too convincing to Karen. Karen sighed, setting her left hand over top of Joyce's right hand - - - That was resting on the table they were sitting at- - - "Joyce. I want you to know something, If you need anything, anything at all . . . Ted and I are here for you" She smiled warmly at Joyce - - -Who smiled back, nodding her head slightly. 

"Thank you. Thanks. . .Um, How . . .  How is Mike dealing with this? Is he, uh, Okay?" Joyce turned the conversation around as she had started feeling awkward. She withdrew her hand from the table as she ran her fingers through her hair, "Mike? Uh . . .  I don't know. He skipped school yesterday. He's never done anything like that before" Karen recounted what happened yesterday to Joyce, who nodded her head every so often. 

Neither of them noticed When Holly stopped playing with her toys to look at the Christmas lights that had begun to light up the way leading towards Will's room. The colourful lights attracted Holly's attention, She descended from the chair she was kneeling on and walked slowly down the semi-dark hallway. Holly stopped at the doorway of Will's room, She gasped softly when she saw the lights surrounding Will's bed flashing and flickering. She was too distracted by the Lights to notice a low Growling coming from the wall to her left side. 

*DING* The timer on the table made a sound, Karen quickly got up from her seat and grabbed the casserole dish she had made. "Let me throw in the Casserole, Okay?" Joyce nodded her head when she suddenly noticed Holly was gone. 

"Oh, Where's Holly?" 

At the Byer's house, Will's room. Time: Early Afternoon . . . .

Holly was breathing heavily, She was looking at the Wall. Something was trying to crawl out of the Wall, almost clawing through the Wallpaper when Joyce and Karen quickly came in. Karen hurriedly picked Holly up and settled her on her Hips. 

"She shouldn't be in here" Joyce groaned, looking around at the lights that were now off. Holly, however, her eyes were glued to the wall where she saw the monster, Joyce realised what she was looking at. She finally settled her gaze on the wall, "I'm sorry. She's quite the explorer these days" Karen apologised, rocking Holly a bit. 

Joyce turned to Holly, "Wait, did you see something?" She asked the young girl, who nodded her head up an down, "Yeah" Holly's voice was quiet when she spoke, still spooked out by what she saw. Joyce was so happy that someone other than her saw the thing from the wall, "What did . . .  What did you see? Tell me" 

Karen was bewildered by what Joyce was talking about, "Joyce. . .  Joyce!" She finally got her attention. Joyce groaned, pushing Karen and Holly towards the door, "Listen . . . Karen, Thank you for the casserole, but you need to leave. Okay?" Karen just sighed, She was starting to realise why Jonathan would think she was going crazy. 

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